SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: Ministry of Transport | August 13, 2024


National Business Daily:

In recent years, China's postal and courier industry has seen robust expansion, making life more convenient for people but also posing certain security risks. What specific measures has the State Post Bureau taken to ensure the safety of delivery channels? Thank you.

Zhao Chongjiu:

Thank you for your questions. As you mentioned, the rapidly growing express delivery industry has provided significant convenience for people while also introducing certain security risks. We recognize that the delivery network encompasses many service points and extensive transportation routes. It has wide coverage and involves the separation of people and goods. The industry is also quite economical, offering both affordability and speed. Unfortunately, criminals can exploit these characteristics for various illegal activities. Moreover, the process involves multiple elements and stages, including parcels, personnel, vehicles, facilities and data exchange. This complexity makes safety management challenging. Given that delivery services are closely related to people's daily lives, their safety is crucial to both national security and public well-being. The postal administration, along with the entire industry, has consistently adhered to a people-centered development philosophy, balancing development and safety. We are committed to ensuring the safety and smooth operation of delivery channels while maintaining industry stability. To address these challenges, we have primarily focused on the following areas of work:

First, we have actively improved the safety management system for the postal and express delivery industry. In line with the characteristics of the industry, we have established a three-in-one model of real-name registration, parcel inspections at collection and machine-based security checks. Real-name registration means that senders must provide their real names when sending items, inspections at collection refers to conducting simple checks during the collection process, and we have also installed security screening equipment, forming a three-in-one risk prevention and control model. We have issued regulations on items prohibited for delivery and deepened comprehensive delivery safety management. 17 departments have jointly launched special actions to ensure safe delivery, strengthening efforts to fight terrorism, drugs, pornography and illegal publications, as well as crack down on telecommunications and internet fraud, thereby contributing to greater safety in China.

Second, we have conducted regular hazard inspections and rectifications. We have implemented a three-year action plan to fully tackle basic safety issues, focusing on four key areas: non-compliant equipment and facilities, inadequate on-site management, improper employee clothing, and non-compliant operational practices. These special rectifications aim to standardize safety management of mail and parcel delivery services, effectively preventing major safety production accidents. We will strengthen safety supervision and administrative law enforcement, and urge the headquarters of delivery enterprises to fulfill their unified management responsibilities across the network and strengthen manual and tech-based inspection capabilities to improve the basic safety level.  

Third, we have increased the implementation of technology-based safety management projects. We have launched the "Green Shield" project for supervising safety in delivery channels, established a big data management platform, and carried out technology development and application for intelligent security screening and intelligent audio-visual monitoring in the industry. This allows for the dynamic tracking of mailed items, detection of potential hazards, early warnings for incidents, control of risks and traceability of responsibilities. At the same time, we have promoted the application of privacy waybills and strived to build a technological "protective shield" to safeguard personal information security.  

Fourth, we have ensured the stable operation of the industry. We have protected the legitimate rights and interests of couriers, strengthened the training of safety inspectors in the industry, and promptly investigated and resolved conflicts and disputes. We have promoted delivery enterprises to sign labor contracts with their employees and pay social insurance for them, and promoted the implementation of policies related to stabilizing terminal delivery fee calculations and vocational training policies. We have strengthened network stability monitoring, continuously improved the mechanism for smooth operation of the industry, promptly identified and addressed issues such as mail and parcel backlogs and network interruptions, and actively created a safe and stable delivery service environment. Currently, nearly 500 million parcels are processed every day, and the industry's overall security risks are controllable.  

Next, we will thoroughly implement the overall national security concept, vigorously enhance the safety management capabilities of delivery channels, provide high-level safety guarantees for the industry's high-quality development, and make new contributions to safeguarding national security, social stability and the safety of people's lives and property. Thank you.

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