SCIO briefing on promoting high-quality development: National Energy Administration | July 25, 2024


Shenzhen Satellite TV:

I have noticed that developing a new energy system has become a hot topic on the internet regarding the energy sector. I'd like to ask, what specifically makes this energy system "new?" What is the current progress in implementing it? Thank you.

Zhang Jianhua:

Thank you for the questions. I will answer them. Developing a new energy system is essential for ensuring national energy security. The report to the 20th CPC National Congress outlined the important strategic decision of moving faster to plan and develop a new energy system. The Central Economic Work Conference has made specific arrangements in this regard for two consecutive years. This is also the overall objective and a strategic task of energy development in the new era. In the past two years, the NEA has thoroughly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, made greater efforts to ensure both high-quality development and greater security, deepened understanding of the new energy system in terms of its core meaning and distinctive features, and implemented various tasks and measures through solid efforts. We have made progress in developing the new energy system, encompassing four aspects:

First, the energy landscape has seen a significant shift towards cleaner sources. In recent years, we've rapidly increased our non-fossil energy supply. During the first three years of the 14th Five-Year Plan, annual growth outpaced that of the 13th Five-Year Plan period by 40%. The share of clean energy in total energy consumption rose by 0.7 percentage point each year. Notably, the installed capacity of non-fossil energy power generation has now surpassed that of thermal electricity for the first time.

Second, the energy supply side has become more resilient. In 2023, production of primary energy resources - including coal, oil, and gas - reached 4.83 billion tons of standard coal equivalent. Currently, the country's total installed power generation capacity exceeds 3 billion kilowatts. In recent years, crude oil production has held steady at 200 million tons annually. Natural gas production has increased by more than 10 billion cubic meters each year for seven consecutive years since 2017. Additionally, our capacity to manage energy reserves has continued to improve.

Third, the industrial system has been more advanced. China's new energy power generation technologies now lead the world. The "new three," including photovoltaic cells, have become the new hallmark of China's foreign trade exports. The country also constructed and commissioned its first commercially operated high-temperature gas-cooled reactor. Innovative modes and formats continue to emerge. Smart microgrids have enabled the integrated development of power sources, grids, electricity loads, and energy storage. Meanwhile, virtual power plants are effectively guiding consumers to participate willingly in demand response initiatives.

Fourth, the foundation for energy governance has been strengthened. The draft Energy Law has been submitted to the National People's Congress for deliberation. A multi-layered, unified electricity market system is being developed step by step. The regulatory system for natural monopolies in the energy sector has been improved. Key policies and mechanisms have been fully implemented, including the issuance of green power certificates and the renewable energy consumption responsibility weighting system.

Next, we will intensify our efforts to build a new energy system, prioritizing energy security and rapidly developing a diverse energy supply system. We will focus on reshaping the energy demand and supply model, creating synergy in transforming consumption patterns, and accelerating the development of new quality productive forces in the energy sector.

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