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SCIO press conference on promoting high-quality development and building a thriving economy, better living standards and sound eco-environment in Guizhou

China.org.cn | July 10, 2024


Shou Xiaoli: 

Thank you for the introduction, Governor Li. Now, let's proceed to the Q&A session. Before asking a question, please state the news organization you represent.

Phoenix TV:

Earlier, Mr. Li mentioned that Guizhou has abundant mineral resources, with reserves of 49 types of minerals ranking in the top 10 nationally. How does Guizhou leverage these mineral resources to build a distinctive modern industrial system? Thank you.

Li Bingjun: 

Thank you for your question. I'll address it. Building a modern industrial system is crucial for promoting high-quality development. Guizhou possesses abundant mineral resources. To harness the economic value of these resources, we have identified leading industries based on our comparative advantages, resource endowments, and industrial foundations. We have accelerated the construction of six major industrial bases: an intensive processing base for resources, a new energy power battery and material R&D production base, a national computing power guarantee base, a baijiu production base, a new comprehensive energy base, and an advanced equipment manufacturing base. In short, we focus on projects where we have advantages, whether in mineral resources, industrial foundations, or comparative advantages. These six industrial bases align with the country's overall interests and leverage Guizhou's unique strengths. They involve both the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries as well as the innovative development of emerging and future industries.

In recent years, Guizhou's traditional industries, such as coal, electricity, tobacco, and liquor, have accelerated their transformation, upgrading, and quality improvement, revitalizing old industries with new growth. For instance, we have increased production capacity and enhanced safety levels through large-scale operations and smart technologies in the coal industry, bolstering our reputation as the "Coal Sea in Southern China.

Simultaneously, we have extended industrial chains, vigorously promoting the integrated development of the coal chemical and phosphorus chemical industries. Guizhou's coal has become a crucial raw material for modern chemical industries. In terms of electricity, while conventional thermal power dominated with 300,000 kilowatt units in the past, ultra-supercritical units of 660,000 kilowatts now lead the way. Moreover, we strive to develop clean energy, with clean energy installations accounting for over 56%, achieving a synergy of hydro, thermal, wind, solar, and storage energies. Guizhou not only meets its own electricity needs but also contributes to national energy security by supplying electricity to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and surrounding provinces.

Additionally, by seizing opportunities, we have accelerated the development of emerging and future industries such as new energy batteries, new materials, intelligent computing, and advanced equipment. While ensuring a stable fertilizer supply and national food security, Guizhou's phosphorus chemical industry is expanding into the new energy battery materials industry. We have attracted leading enterprises and promoted the dual-track development of "power batteries and energy storage batteries." One in every three electric vehicle batteries in China contains phosphorus from Guizhou. For example, in big data, we are vigorously developing the computing power and artificial intelligence industries, building on our data storage center foundation. Huawei Cloud and China Telecom have established intelligent computing centers here, making Guizhou one of the regions with the most abundant and powerful computing resources nationwide. Our computing power will provide strong support for the computing needs of the eastern regions and even the entire nation.

Today, Guizhou's industrial development shows promising momentum and a bright future. Thank you, everyone!

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