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SCIO press conference on promoting high-quality development and building a thriving economy, better living standards and sound eco-environment in Guizhou

China.org.cn | July 10, 2024


Southern Daily:

All regions are currently placing great emphasis on technological innovation. We have noticed that Guizhou is developing a number of national-level innovation platforms. Could you please elaborate on Guizhou's approaches and considerations regarding technological innovation? Thank you.

Li Bingjun: 

Thank you for your question. Let us invite Mrs. Zhang to answer this question.

Zhang Jingping:

Guizhou has always attached great importance to technological innovation. Through continuous efforts, our technological capabilities have been consistently strengthened, and the achievements of our innovation efforts are unceasingly developing. I will introduce our efforts in the following aspects. 

Firstly, we advance technological innovation by serving and supporting national strategic scientific capabilities. As we all know, a number of national scientific innovation teams, such as the "China Sky Eye" (FAST) and the Institute of Geochemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, are based in Guizhou. The "China Sky Eye" has made continuous breakthroughs in the number of new pulsars discovered, and the Institute of Geochemistry released a highly accurate geological "photo album" of the moon. These high-level teams are continually setting new records in their respective fields. While providing robust support services, we also learn from and adopt advanced innovation concepts from these exemplary teams, fostering Guizhou's technological strengths and laying a solid foundation for technological innovation.

Secondly, we promote technological innovation by leveraging our resource endowments and industrial structures. Mr. Li has already introduced Guizhou's resource endowments and industrial layout. We are committed to utilizing our resource advantages and industrial base, stimulating the vitality of enterprises as innovative main entities and aligning technological solutions with industrial demands. We are implementing six major strategic technological initiatives, which includes nurturing strategic scientific capabilities, achieving breakthroughs in mineral exploration, advancing mineral processing technologies, transitioning the energy industry to green and low-carbon development, supporting modern, efficient mountain agriculture and empowering industries through digitalization. By maintaining our continuous efforts, we have achieved new results. For instance, our breakthroughs in mineral exploration technology have enabled Guizhou to play a more crucial role in ensuring national resource and energy security as well as enhancing the resilience of supply chains and industrial chains.

Additionally, we focus on competitive strengths to advance technological innovation. We coordinate technological platforms, technologies, personnel, funds and policies, working to increase the quality and efficiency of technological innovation. Currently, we are integrating and reorganizing previously scattered technological platforms, and building a number of high-level technological innovation platforms. The national key laboratory for green pesticides established in Guizhou has made significant progress, especially in talent aggregation, technological breakthroughs, new product development and the transformation and industrialization of scientific achievements. Moving forward, we will continue to strengthen the construction of platforms. 

At the same time, we recognize that our existing technological capabilities are insufficient to support the modernization of Guizhou's industrial system. Going forward, we will continue to advance major initiatives such as "Introducing Science and Technology to Guizhou," "Academicians' Trip to Guizhou," and "East-West Collaboration," actively introducing high-quality innovative resources from various fields to jointly contribute to Guizhou's technological innovation and high-quality development. We sincerely appreciate your interest and support for Guizhou's technological endeavors and hope you will continue to follow our technological innovation efforts. Thank you! 

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