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​SCIO press conference on accelerating the construction of a modern and beautiful Ningxia by leveraging the pilot zone for ecological conservation and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin

China.org.cn | June 25, 2024



After the "Two Sessions" this year, there has been much discussion about new quality productive forces. How will Ningxia promote the construction of a modern industrial system and cultivate and develop new quality productive forces? Thank you.

Zhang Yupu:

I will invite Mr. Chen Chunping to answer this question.

Chen Chunping:

Mr. Zhang Yupu has already briefly introduced the high-quality development of Ningxia's industries. In recent years, Ningxia has focused on high-quality development, accelerating the development of its industries. We have initially established a modern industrial system supported by the "Six New Industries, Six Specialties, Six Excellence + N" framework. The "Six New Industries" refers to new industries represented by equipment manufacturing and new materials. The "Six Specialties" refers to agriculture with distinctive local features represented by wine and goji berries. The "Six Excellence" refers to modern service industries represented by cultural tourism and exhibitions. "N" refers to high-tech industries like advanced computing power and hydrogen energy. Next, we will accelerate the development of new quality productive forces with Ningxia characteristics according to real local conditions. We will focus on the following three aspects: 

First, we will strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation with industrial innovation. By aligning innovation chains with industrial chains, we have implemented a gradient cultivation plan for 100 technology-based enterprises, 100 innovative enterprises, and 100 model enterprises. We have independently developed and promoted advanced technological products such as monocrystalline silicon rod rolling, transmission reducer assembly, and industrial sapphire manufacturing. And we have created a number of champions and promoted innovation achievements from the "laboratory" to the "production line," making innovation the "largest incremental" for the development of new, quality, productive forces.

Second, we will accelerate the iteration and upgrade of traditional industries. Traditional sectors of coal, electricity, non-ferrous metals, and metallurgy hold a substantial share in Ningxia, accounting for over 60% of the industrial added value. The region has facilitated the development of these traditional industries through equipment renewal, technological empowerment, and low-carbon transformation. For instance, the modern coal and chemistry industries offer advanced coal liquefaction and gasification technologies to convert "coal" into "liquids" and "gas," producing coal-based products like olefins, methanol, spandex, aramid, and graphite so as to achieve value doubling and upgrading. Currently, we are building a 200-billion-level modern chemical industry cluster and a 100-billion-level light industry and textile industry cluster, reshaping the new system of traditional industries and bringing their new advantages to traditional industries.

Third, we will accelerate the cultivation and expansion of strategic emerging industries and a forward-looking layout for future industries. We are speeding up the formulation of the implementation guidelines for Ningxia's new, quality, productive forces. On one hand, we are implementing major projects such as doubling the industrial and manufacturing sectors and upgrading industrial chains. The projects have connected photovoltaic bases and wind power stations with data centers and manufacturing workshops, promoted green energy development and green power supply, and integrated high-end manufacturing, intelligent computing power, and new materials innovation. This will result in the building of three 100-billion-level industrial clusters of new energy, equipment manufacturing, and digital information, as well as a 200-billion-level industrial cluster in new materials. On the other hand, we are also accelerating the layout of future industries such as artificial intelligence, advanced computing power, new energy storage, hydrogen energy, and quantum technology, continuously nurturing new industries, new business models, and new growth drivers. Thank you.

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