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​SCIO press conference on accelerating the construction of a modern and beautiful Ningxia by leveraging the pilot zone for ecological conservation and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin

China.org.cn | June 25, 2024


Shou Xiaoli:

Let's move on to the last question.

Zhinews of Shenzhen Satellite TV:

Ningxia entices people who are looking for a vacation destination. Following up on the discussion about enriching mutual exchange with compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao, could you elaborate on the unique features and advantages of Ningxia's culture and tourism industries? What measures will be taken to enhance its appeal to tourists in the future? Thank you.

Zhang Yupu:

Thank you. Let me introduce the basic situation of tourism in Ningxia. Ningxia boasts rich cultural and tourism resources with distinctive features and is among the first batch of national all-for-one tourism demonstration zones. However, there is still room for improvement due to insufficient development and promotion. Today, I will briefly introduce Ningxia's tourism sector from both historical and natural perspectives.

From a historical perspective, although the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was established relatively recently, it has a profound history and culture. For example, Ningxia is home to the Shuidonggou site, which dates back over 40,000 years. Every significant historical period from then to the present day has left behind iconic historical and cultural symbols in Ningxia.

For instance, Ningxia houses Great Wall ruins from six dynasties, spanning from the Warring States period to the Ming dynasty. These well-preserved ruins are often called the "Museum of China's Great Walls." Another notable feature is the water diversion project for irrigation from the Yellow River, which began during the Qin dynasty and is still in use today. This project is recognized as a "World Heritage Site of Irrigation Projects." Additionally, Ningxia's grand Western Xia Imperial Tombs, known for their unique styles, are actively being proposed for inclusion in the World Heritage List. Moreover, Ningxia is home to numerous old revolutionary sites, such as "Jiangtaibao," where the Red Army's Long March ended victoriously. Through these historical relics, we can appreciate the profound significance of the Yellow River, Great Wall, Silk Road, and Red cultures.

From a landscape perspective, although Ningxia is not very large, it has abundant natural and ecological resources. Specifically, it boasts a complete system of mountains, waters, forests, farmlands, grasslands, and deserts, earning it the nickname "China's miniature bonsai of tourism."

To explore the mountains, we have the Helan Mountains, one of the seven important geographical boundaries dividing the monsoon and non-monsoon zones, as well as internal and external drainage areas. The Helan Mountains are unique, featuring rock paintings dating back 10,000 years, known as the "fossil of early human art." Another notable mountain is Liupan Mountain, familiar to many. Liupan Mountain is called the "victory mountain" of the Red Army's Long March, where Chairman Mao wrote the famous lines, "He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man." Both of these mountains are candidates for national park status.

Regarding waters, we have two prominent ones, both designated as national 5A-level scenic spots. The first one is the Yellow River Canyon, known for its nine mighty rivers, hundreds of towers, and majestic landscape. The other one is the Shahu Lake scenic area, where water meets desert, and birds and fish coexist harmoniously. Additionally, Yinchuan is home to an international wetland and over 200 lakes of various sizes, which are extremely valuable in the northwestern region. These green mountains and lush waters are being transformed into invaluable assets. 

I would like to particularly highlight desert tourism in Ningxia. Wang Wei, a Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty, described Ningxia as "a smoke hangs straight on the vast desert, a sun sits round on the endless stream." In contrast, another Tang dynasty poet, Wei Chan, wrote, "At the foot of Helan Mountains, orchards flourish, making the region known as Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall." These depictions illustrate two entirely different scenes. Therefore, some say Ningxia is "half prosperous and half desert." In fact, with the rapid development of the sand economy, sand industry, and desert tourism, this "half desert" has created its own unique prosperity. Initiatives such as creating forests, grasslands, and oases, as well as developing photovoltaic farms, are transforming people's impressions and perceptions of Ningxia.

In Ningxia's Shapotou scenic area, you can experience a remarkable side of the landscape. This area features not only cozy homestays but also five-star desert hotels and desert-themed resorts. When night falls, you can comfortably enjoy sand treatments and sand baths while gazing at the starry sky and reflecting on the passage of time. As a result, this scenic area is renowned as "China's most beautiful desert" and the "hometown of stars." The scenic area was recently proposed for designation as a national-level tourist and resort zone, and the results have been released to the public. This designation will further boost Ningxia's desert tourism.

Since the beginning of this year, to enhance the quality of Ningxia's tourism sector, we have carefully listened to tourists' feedback and launched a comprehensive project to upgrade and innovate the cultural and tourism industries. The project focuses on six aspects: catering, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, entertainment, and shopping. For example, to ensure tourists enjoy quality dining and lodging, we have initiated a special campaign to regulate prices and enhance the quality of the catering sector. We have also established a cluster of 15 branded hotels in the city, set to open this month. Additionally, numerous resorts have been built in rural areas. To enhance tourists' travel experiences, we have developed several self-drive tour routes, including those along "Route 66." We have also launched an online tourism service platform, "Smart Tourism in Ningxia," and released an upgraded version of "The 21 Scenic Sites of Ningxia." Recently, a national meeting on the development of the tourism sector was held, and we will seize this opportunity to accelerate the high-quality development of Ningxia's tourism industry.

Finally, we sincerely welcome friends and tourists from home and abroad to visit Ningxia and fully immerse themselves in its delicious food, fine wines, and picturesque scenery. Thank you all!

Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Zhang. Thank you to all the speakers. I also want to express gratitude to all journalists for your participation. Today's press conference concludes here. Goodbye, everyone. 

Translated and edited by Xu Xiaoxuan, Zhang Rui, Ma Yujia, Mi Xingang, Yang Xi, Yan Bin, Li Huiru, Yan Xiaoqing, Wang Qian, Huang Shan, Zhang Junmian, Wang Yiming, Liu Sitong, He Shan, Cui Can, Jay Birbeck, Rochelle Beiersdorfer and Tom Arnstein. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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