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SCIO press conference on forging ahead on a journey of high-quality development in the new era

China.org.cn | May 24, 2024


Science and Technology Daily:

Data indicates that in the first quarter of this year, investment in Hebei's high-tech industries increased by 45.1%, demonstrating a strong momentum with growth. What experience does Hebei have in promoting technological innovation? What are the next steps in this field? Thank you.

Wang Zhengpu:

Thank you for your questions. I'll invite Mr. Zhao Dachun to answer these questions.

Zhao Dachun:

Thank you for your questions. I'll offer you a brief introduction on scientific and technological innovation in Hebei.

In recent years, we have deeply implemented the strategy of innovation-driven development and striven to turn the key variable of scientific and technological innovation into the maximum increment of high-quality development. Hebei's research and development (R&D) funding growth rate ranks sixth in the country and has maintained double-digit growth for six consecutive years.

First, we let enterprises be the main players. We earnestly execute policies such as additional deductions for corporate R&D expenses and subsidies after R&D investments to make sure enterprises enjoy all the benefit they deserve. At the same time, in order to meet the actual needs of enterprises, we have selected 318 sci-tech special missions to provide one-on-one assistance to "little giant" firms to carry out technological research. Simultaneously, we have also implemented a special initiative to increase R&D investments in SOEs in three years and to strengthen in five years, which has greatly improved the R&D capabilities of provincial SOEs. In the past two years, the R&D investment of Hebei's SOEs has led the nation. The "technology gene" of our enterprises has been significantly enriched.

The second is to empower industrial transformation with technology. We have aimed for high-end, intelligent and green development and to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Especially, we have built high-energy innovation platforms with a focus on Hebei's leading industries and conquer key common technologies. For example, the Hebei Iron and Steel Laboratory has gathered eight academician teams to carry out whole-chain innovation from materials and technology to products. The world's first 1.2 million-tonne hydrogen metallurgy demonstration project at Xuanhua Iron and Steel Group Co. Ltd, a subsidiary of our provincial enterprise HBIS Group Co. Ltd, was officially put into operation last year, marking an important milestone in the transformation from traditional carbon metallurgy to new hydrogen metallurgy in China's and even the world's iron and steel industries. At the same time, we have deepened cooperation with research institutes and universities to cultivate and expand strategic emerging industries such as integrated circuits, electronic power equipment and biomedicine. In the first quarter of this year, our high-tech industry investment growth rate was 33.7 percentage points higher than the national average. We have proactively laid out future industries such as aerospace information, advanced computing power and green hydrogen energy. We have built 29 data centers in Zhangjiakou city and several intelligent computing centers in Langfang city. Hebei province ranks fourth in the country in terms of comprehensive computing power index. At the same time, we have also creatively implemented the Science and Technology Innovation Leap Plan at the county level, and the innovation capabilities of Hebei counties have been greatly improved.

Third, we solidly promote the development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as a collaborative innovation community. We are committed to building a leading area for innovation-driven development in Xiong'an New Area, launching 18 solid incentive policies and building seven innovation ecosystems including satellite internet, a BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and intelligent connectivity, making Xiong'an full with an innovative atmosphere. In addition, we focus on solving the "leapfrog" phenomenon of scientific and technological achievements in Beijing and Tianjin, strive to facilitate the channel for commercializing R&D results from these cities in Hebei, implement special projects for basic research cooperation jointly with Beijing and Tianjin, build a network for the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, set up two sub-centers of the Jingjinji National Center of Technology Innovation, build up a long-term mechanism for matching the supply and demand of scientific and technological achievements, continue to expand the brand connotation of "So close, so beautiful, spend your weekends in Hebei" and promote the commercialization of technological achievements from Beijing and Tianjin in Hebei, a province with both a beautiful natural environment and a favorable business environment. Last year, we attracted 81 billion yuan in technology contract transactions from Beijing and Tianjin, doubling the amount year-on-year. The siphoning effect of Beijing and Tianjin is acceleratingly transforming into a radiating and driving effect, and this change is quite evident.

Next, we will first seize major national strategic opportunities, give full play to Hebei's geographical position, further deepen collaborative innovation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, leverage the role of Xiong'an New Area as an innovation hub and speed up the accumulation of innovative resources and the commercialization of innovation results. Second, we will continue to build a high-level innovation platform, attract high-level innovation teams, create a first-class innovation ecosystem and further enhance the innovation vitality of the province. Third, we will implement the three-year action plan of innovative application scenarios to promote the in-depth integration between industries, universities, research institutes, and end-users, create a number of new industries, new models and new momentum, accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces in Hebei and further promote high-quality development to break new ground.

That's all for my introduction. Thank you.

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