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SCIO press conference on forging ahead on a journey of high-quality development in the new era

China.org.cn | May 24, 2024


China Daily:

In recent years, Hebei has accelerated its pace of transformation, with rapid development in industries such as biomedicine and electronic information. What plans are in place for fostering emerging and future industries? What adjustments will be made in the future to deal with the current situation of an imbalanced industrial structure? Thank you.

Wang Zhengpu:

Thank you to the journalist from China Daily. I would like to invite Mr. Zhang to answer them.

Zhang Chengzhong:

Thank you for your interest in and support for the industrial development in Hebei. The province of Hebei is known for its traditional industries, with a complete range of industries and a well-established industrial system. In recent years, we have been relying on sci-tech innovation to drive growth and promote the rapid development of emerging industries such as electronic information and biomedicine. In 2023, the revenue of the biopharmaceutical industry exceeded 100 billion yuan, and the revenue of the electronic information industry exceeded 300 billion yuan. Investment in high-tech industries in the province increased by 24.7%. As Mr. Zhao mentioned, the growth rate in the first quarter of this year has been even faster, reaching 45.1%. In order to foster and expand emerging industries, proactively plan for future industries, develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, our next focus will be on three aspects.

The first aspect is "cluster" aggregation. We are implementing actions to promote the integrated development of strategic emerging industry clusters. We are focusing on supporting nine industry clusters, including biomedicine, electronic information and new energy vehicles. Additionally, we are nurturing eight industry clusters, such as new materials, safety and emergency equipment, and modern traditional Chinese medicine. Our goal is to facilitate the transition of strategic emerging industries from mere aggregation to cluster-based development.

The second aspect is strengthening industry chains. We will extend the industrial chains of emerging industries, fostering not only the "big trees" of leading enterprises but also the "small trees" of upstream and downstream supporting enterprises. Ultimately, this will build up the "forest" of emerging industries, producing a more vibrant industrial ecology.

Finally, we will move towards the "new." We will fully leverage our own advantages and proactively plan for future industries. For instance, Hebei has a solid foundation and advantages in the development of the big data industry. By the end of 2023, the total computing power will exceed 21,000 petaflops. Leveraging this computational advantage, we will vigorously develop future industries such as advanced computing and artificial intelligence. Additionally, we will accelerate the development of aerospace information, green hydrogen energy and other industries, enabling future industries to take root, sprout and flourish as soon as possible.

When it comes to Hebei's industries, the first impression is of heavy industries, with steel dominating. Over the years, we have vigorously promoted the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Starting in 2022, the steel industry took the lead, launching a campaign for seven key sectors to strive for an "A" grade in environmental performance. The industry also greatly improved standards for process equipment and environmental governance, while promoting advanced technologies such as low-carbon metallurgy and clean steel smelting. Now, "new" content in Hebei's steel enterprises has significantly increased. For example, the proportions of high-end and low-end HBIS Group's products have shifted from 30% to 70% 10 years ago to 80% to 20% now, making the company the largest manufacturer of steel for household appliances and the second-largest for automobile steel in the country.

Moving forward, we will adhere to the principles of high-end, intelligent and green development, and accelerate the structural adjustment, transformation and upgrade of traditional industries. We will seize the opportunity presented by the nation's push for large-scale equipment updates by implementing projects for the technological transformation and upgrading in the equipment manufacturing industry. By deepening the empowerment of science and technology, we aim to promote the development of high-end material products in the steel industry and accelerate the supplementation and extension of the industrial chain, and promote the specialized, refined and sophisticated development of the chemical engineering industry. Furthermore, we will actively promote green and energy-saving construction material products, allowing traditional industries to "grow new branches from old trees." Thank you.

Xing Huina:

One last question.

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