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SCIO press conference on pursuing high-quality development as an overarching task and advancing Fujian's practice for Chinese modernization

China.org.cn | April 19, 2024


Shenzhen TV Zhi News: 

Last year, the central government specifically issued opinions to support the construction of a demonstration zone for cross-strait integrated development in Fujian. Could you please provide an update on the current progress? What are the next steps to effectively utilize the policies and actively explore new paths for cross-strait integration and development? Thank you.

Guo Ningning:

Thank you for your question. After the central government issued its policies, we convened the 5th Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee to conduct specialized discussions and arrangements. We reviewed and approved the implementation guidelines for carrying out and implementing the central policies, putting forward 15 key tasks in four areas. We have taken the central government's "blueprint" and transformed it into concrete "construction plans" tailored specifically for the province of Fujian.

We are focusing on promoting integration through connectivity, benefits and affinity, and accelerating the construction of demonstration zones for cross-strait integration and development.

In terms of promoting integration through connectivity, we have vigorously promoted the resumption of maritime and air routes between Fujian Province and Kinmen, Matsu and other areas. Maritime routes have been restored between Fuzhou Mawei District, Lianjiang to Matsu and Xiamen and Quanzhou to Kinmen. Air routes have also resumed between Fuzhou to Taipei as well as Fuzhou to Kaohsiung, with a significant increase in passenger traffic. Moreover, Fuzhou, Xiamen and Pingtan have introduced over 2,000 rent-free and public rental housing for Taiwan compatriots. Now, it is very convenient for Taiwan compatriots to travel to Fujian. they can live, work and start businesses in Fujian with a sense of security and comfort.

In terms of promoting integration through benefits, we have vigorously implemented equal treatment, allowing Taiwan compatriots and enterprises in Fujian to enjoy comprehensive development opportunities. For example, Taiwan brands such as "Cheng Shin Tire(CST) " and "Taizu" have joined the family of well-established mainland enterprises and have shown remarkable progress. Last year, more than 2,100 new Taiwan-funded enterprises were established in Fujian with a high growth rate. The actual utilization of investment from Taiwan exceeded 7 billion yuan, more than doubling from the previous year, leading the mainland in both aspects. The cumulative trade volume between Fujian and Taiwan has exceeded 1.5 trillion yuan.

In terms of promoting integration through affinity, we have successfully organized key events such as the Cross-Strait Forum and the Cross-Strait Youth Festival. In 2023, a total of 573,000 Taiwan compatriots visited Fujian. Fujian is also home to 26 national-level cross-strait exchange bases, ranking first in mainland China. The compatriots from both sides of the strait are getting closer and closer, fostering a stronger sense of kinship.

Next, we will focus on four aspects to accelerate the exploration of new paths for integrated development across the Taiwan Strait. First, we will promote social integration, and further expand the application scenarios of residence permits for Taiwan residents, allowing Taiwan compatriots in Fujian to enjoy equal treatment in such areas as medical care, housing, elderly care and education, so that they can rest assured that they can come, integrate and develop well. Second, we will take further steps to promote economic integration. We will specifically plan and create more key projects for the integrated development between Fujian and Taiwan for Taiwanese companies and entrepreneurs. We have already introduced a series of supporting and encouraging policies that provide comprehensive support, whole process guarantees and full cycle services, so as to provide more and better development opportunities for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwanese companies in Fujian. This will bring benefits to people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and improve their lives. Third, we will make significant efforts to promote emotional integration. More than 80% of Taiwan compatriots have ancestry in Fujian. We will further enhance the connections between relatives on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and foster connections between villages with the same name. We will invite more Taiwan compatriots who have never visited the mainland for family visits, sightseeing and exchanges in Fujian. We will also invite them to personally experience the new development, changes and achievements on the mainland and in Fujian. They can feel the sense that the "two sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family, Fujian and Taiwan are close," and feel connected in blood and in heart. Fourth, we will make great efforts to promote regional integration. We are taking the lead in promoting integration with Taiwan in cities such as Fuzhou, Xiamen and Pingtan. On this basis, we will guide other regions in the province to find their positioning and coordinate efforts, and achieve comprehensive integration and development with Taiwan across the entire Fujian province.

That's all from me. Thank you.

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