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SCIO press conference on pursuing high-quality development as an overarching task and advancing Fujian's practice for Chinese modernization

China.org.cn | April 19, 2024


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Mr. Zhao Long, deputy secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Fujian Provincial Committee and governor of Fujian province

Ms. Guo Ningning, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and executive vice governor of Fujian province 

Mr. Meng Qian, director of the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission 

Mr. Weng Yuyao, director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology


Mr. Chen Wenjun, director general of the Press Bureau of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) and spokesperson of the SCIO


April 8, 2024

Chen Wenjun:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference in the series "Promoting High-Quality Development" held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO). Today, we are pleased to have invited Mr. Zhao Long, deputy secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Fujian Provincial Committee and governor of Fujian province, to brief you on pursuing high-quality development as an overarching task and advancing Fujian's practice for Chinese modernization, and to answer your questions. Also present today are Ms. Guo Ningning, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and executive vice governor of Fujian province; Mr. Meng Qian, director of the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission; and Mr. Weng Yuyao, director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.

Now, I'll give the floor to Mr. Zhao for his introduction. 

Zhao Long:

Thank you, Mr. Chen. Good morning, everyone. I'm very pleased to meet with you here to introduce the high-quality economic and social development of Fujian. First, on behalf of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and the Fujian provincial government, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to friends from all walks of life for your long-term interest in and support for Fujian.

It is well-known that Fujian is an important birthplace and practice ground for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. General Secretary Xi Jinping worked in Fujian for 17 and a half years. During that period, he personally led and promoted the reform, opening-up and modernization of Fujian, creating valuable intellectual and cultural wealth, and practical achievements for us. Since assuming duties in the CPC Central Committee, the general secretary has always placed great importance on and cared for the high-quality development of Fujian, drawing a magnificent blueprint for a new Fujian featuring dynamic mechanisms, upgraded industries, improvement of people's livelihoods, and a beautiful environment. He explicitly put forward the "four requirements ," encouraging us to make greater progress in accelerating the modernization of the economic system, to better serve and integrate into the new development pattern, to make greater strides in exploring new ways to promote integrated development with Taiwan, and to achieve greater breakthroughs in creating a high-quality life. This has charted the course and provided fundamental guidance for Fujian's high-quality development.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's proposal to build a new Fujian that is "dynamic, upgraded, prosperous and beautiful." Over the past decade, we have always kept his expectations in mind and pressed forward with gratitude, promoting high-quality development in all aspects. The province's gross domestic product (GDP) has successively surpassed three 1-trillion-yuan thresholds, increasing from 2.5 trillion yuan to 5.4 trillion yuan ($746.18 billion), ranking eighth in the country. Its per capita GDP has risen from 64,000 yuan to 130,000 yuan, ranking fourth in the country. Building a new Fujian in the new era has reached a new level, and a splendid scroll of Chinese modernization is gradually unfolding across Fujian province.

We have accelerated the building of a prosperous and strong Fujian, laying a more stable foundation for high-quality development. Today's Fujian is rapidly building a modern industrial system, covering 38 out of the 41 major industrial categories, with the proportion of value added manufacturing in GDP ranking fourth nationwide. It shows the following features: First, we are moving toward high-end development. Our pillar industries such as electronic information, advanced equipment manufacturing, and modern textile and garment have achieved a scale exceeding 1 trillion yuan. Leading enterprises like Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited, Fuyao Glass Industry Group and Anta Sports are known worldwide. Second, we are advancing toward intelligent development. Smart transformation and digital conversion have equipped traditional industries with "digital wings," with the proportion of enterprises in the province with key business segments fully digitalized ranking third nationwide. Third, we are transitioning toward green development. New energy industries such as power batteries, new types of energy storage and offshore wind power have seen strong growth, with clean energy making up 63% of the province's installed capacity.

We have accelerated the building of an innovative Fujian, enhancing the driving force behind high-quality development. Today's Fujian is not only experiencing an "acceleration" in scientific and technological innovation, but an increasing number of innovative laboratory findings have been put into industrial production. Over the past decade, Fujian's total R&D investment has exceeded 630 billion yuan, seven provincial innovation laboratories have achieved breakthroughs in 150 core technologies, the cumulative transaction amount of technology contracts has exceeded 163.3 billion yuan, the number of national high-tech enterprises has surpassed 12,000, and the industrialization efficiency index for advanced and innovative technologies ranks third nationwide.

We have accelerated the building of a dynamic Fujian, expanding the scope for high-quality development. Today's Fujian sees its path of reform becoming broader, with significant progress in 10 key areas. Reforms in areas such as forestry, medical care and the system of specially dispatched technicians have been promoted nationwide. Fujian is further widening its door to the world, with the Maritime Silk Road core area and the BRICS innovation base playing an ever-greater effect as "window displays ." The free trade pilot zone has introduced 275 nationally pioneering measures, with the total volume of imports and exports growing at an average annual rate of 6.5%. The business environment is continuously improving, with our integrated government service capability ranking in the top tier nationwide. The number of business entities has increased from 1.4 million to 7.61 million, marking a 4.4-fold increase.

We have accelerated the building of a happy Fujian, where high-quality development is even more substantial. Today in Fujian, the lives of ordinary people have become richer and more fulfilling. In the past decade, 5.89 million new urban jobs have been created, and the per capita disposable income of residents has grown from 23,000 yuan to 45,000 yuan, ranking seventh nationwide. The preschool enrollment rate is 99.2%, the consolidation rate of compulsory education is 99.5%, and the gross enrollment rate for senior high school is 97.2%, all of which are among the highest in the country. The average life expectancy in the province has increased to 78.85 years.

We have expedited the construction of a beautiful Fujian, adding a touch of green for the region's high-quality development. In today's Fujian, the air is noticeably fresher, boasting an impressive 98.5% of days with excellent air quality in cities with subordinate districts. The concentration of PM2.5 stands at just 20 micrograms per cubic meter, which is 10 micrograms below the national average. Waters become clearer, with 99% of major rivers and 88.7% of nearshore seas achieving excellent water quality. The environment is cleaner, with the intensity of major pollutant emissions at 60% of the national average. The forest coverage rate is 65.12%, ranking first in the country for 45 consecutive years.

We have accelerated the construction of a safe Fujian, strengthening the foundation for the region's high-quality development. In today's Fujian, the exemplary practices of "reaching out to the grassroots" and "prompt action and practical work" have become well-established. The evaluation of public safety construction ranks among the top nationwide, maintaining a continuous public safety satisfaction rate of over 99%.

As we embark on the new journey, our focus remains steadfast on advancing the greatest political goal of promoting the Chinese path to modernization, firmly grasping the primary task of high-quality development, and adhering closely to the important "four requirements ," which encourage us to make greater progress in accelerating the modernization of the economic system, to better serve and integrate into the new development pattern, to make greater strides in exploring new ways to promote integrated development with Taiwan, and to achieve greater breakthroughs in creating a high-quality life. We will strive to transform the magnificent blueprint for the new Fujian outlined by General Secretary Xi Jinping into reality. In doing so, we will make new and greater contributions to the construction of a strong nation and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

That's all from me. Thank you.

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