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SCIO press conference on white paper 'CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements'

China.org.cn | November 30, 2023



Mr. Wang just introduced the remarkable development and achievements of Xizang in recent years. In terms of respecting and protecting human rights, what changes have the CPC policies on the governance of Xizang in the new era brought to people of all ethnic groups there? Thank you.

Wang Gang:

Thank you for your question. Human rights in Xizang have long attracted attention. We believe that the rights to subsistence and development are primary human rights. Development leads to happier lives, so living a happy life is the greatest manifestation of human rights. In our view, the people's wellbeing is the primary human right. As mentioned in the white paper, Xizang residents, who once suffered under feudal serfdom, now live safe and happy lives with substantial improvements in living standards. Mr. Yan just introduced the lives of Xizang residents in the past decade of the new era, covering various aspects, including economic indicators, personal incomes, and daily necessities.

First, we have ensured the rights of Xizang residents to subsistence and development over the past 10 years. More than 3 million Xizang residents have entered a moderately prosperous society along with the rest of the 1.4 billion Chinese people and embarked on a new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects. One can tell whether Xizang residents are living a happy life from their facial expressions and economic indicators. We have ensured their rights to subsistence and development, eradicated absolute poverty in 2019, and lifted nearly 630,000 registered poor residents and 74 counties out of poverty. It's thus clear that Xizang residents have enjoyed the benefits of reform and opening-up and economic development along with the rest of the Chinese people.

Second, we are more concerned about whether we have ensured the rights of Xizang residents in various aspects, to be specific, in the economic, social, education, cultural and other fields. To my understanding, the white paper has given a positive answer to this, as the people's wellbeing is the foremost human right. The rights to subsistence and development include the right to receive education and other rights in various fields. Xizang is the first provincial-level region in China to establish a government-funded public education system covering 15 years of education. More preferential policies have been implemented in Xizang to ensure local people's rights and interests in employment. According to my knowledge, in the past five years, 600,000 farmers and herders found non-agricultural jobs each year. Medical insurance and services now cover all townships and towns. That's not an easy task to complete in Xizang which has a population of over 3 million, as the region covers over 1.2 million square kilometers and many of its areas are at high altitudes. In spite of that, we achieved full coverage of medical insurance and services there. Hence, nowadays Xizang residents have access to education, employment, livable housing, and medical and elderly care. A well-rounded, multi-tiered social insurance system covering all ages has been established, which has guaranteed the quality of life of Xizang residents in all aspects.

Third, I want to talk about the civil and political rights of Xizang residents. Xizang has always been committed to ensuring the people's position as masters of the country, promoting law-based governance, and upholding the system of regional ethnic autonomy to address development issues in ethnic regions. All efforts have ensured the rights of Xizang residents, as conferred by the Constitution and laws, to govern national and regional affairs, as well as their rights to be masters of the region and the country. I want to note two points. First, Xizang has 772 "homes of deputies to people's congresses," covering the whole region. Second, among all the CPPCC members in the whole region, 85.7% are from ethnic minorities.

Last but not least, religious believers in Xizang enjoy freedom of religious belief, which is also of great concern. The central government has always formulated and implemented policies on freedom of religious belief suitable for Xizang according to its local conditions. Religious believers of all ethnic groups enjoy the freedom to hold religious activities under the protection of the Constitution and laws. Here, I would like to share some data with you. There are more than 1,700 sites for religious activities across Xizang, and over 1,700 religious and folk activities have been hosted to fully satisfy the needs of all religious believers.

If you want to learn more, please read the white paper. It will help you get to know the real Xizang. And if you want to know more about human rights in Xizang, you can visit Xizang. Mr. Yan has just sent out his invitation. You can ask the residents of Xizang and get answers by yourselves. Thank you for your question.

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