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SCIO press conference on white paper 'CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements'

China.org.cn | November 30, 2023


Shou Xiaoli:

Thank you, Mr. Wang. Next, let's give the floor to Mr. Yan Jinhai for his introduction.

Yan Jinhai:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning. I'm very glad to be here with you to jointly witness the release of the white paper titled "CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements." On behalf of the Party committee and government of the Xizang Autonomous Region, as well as the over 3.6 million people of various ethnic groups in the region, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to friends from all walks of life who have shown longstanding care and support for Xizang's development.

Looking back, we have accomplished remarkable achievements. General Secretary Xi Jinping has shown the utmost support and placed high hopes on the Xizang Autonomous Region. He has made three inspection trips to Xizang and presided over two national meetings on Xizang. By doing so, he has steered the region in the right direction and outlined the CPC policies on the governance of Xizang in the new era. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have borne in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's expectations, and shouldered the responsibilities for maintaining stability, facilitating development, protecting the eco-environment and safeguarding the borders. These four main tasks define the role of the autonomous region in big-picture terms, putting forward comprehensive requirements and providing whole-process guidelines for us to work hard with an enterprising spirit and achieve all-round progress and historic success in various undertakings. To be specific, we have made achievements in the following aspects:  

First, since the new era, Xizang has adhered to the people-centered development philosophy, presenting a new outlook for living a peaceful, prosperous, and happy life. All 628,000 registered impoverished people have been lifted out of poverty, and all 74 impoverished counties have shaken off poverty. It can be said that we have secured a historic success in eradicating absolute poverty, which is remarkable considering the extremely challenging conditions of the snowy plateau. The per capita disposable income of all residents has ranked first nationwide for eight consecutive years. Xizang has been a pioneer in providing 15 years of free education, from kindergarten to high school, and ensuring that all schools have heating facilities. In terms of healthcare, we have achieved the goal of ensuring that minor ailments are treated at the county level, moderate ailments at the prefecture level, and major ailments at the autonomous region level. The average life expectancy has increased to 72.19 years, and everyone, whether in urban or rural areas, has access to medical insurance. The participation rate in basic pension insurance remains above 96%, significantly improving the living standards of people of all ethnic groups.

Second, since the new era, Xizang has followed the comprehensive national security concept, presenting a new outlook of unity, harmony, stability, and peace. We have continued to strengthen the sense of community for the Chinese nation, formulating and implementing regulations and plans to build model areas for ethnic unity and progress. We have achieved ethnic unity and progress at all levels, from regions, cities, and counties to townships, villages, and even households and individuals. We have made consistent efforts to adapt Tibetan Buddhism to China's realities, and conduct education on "national identity, civic responsibility, and rule of law awareness." For the first time in the 1,000-year history of Tibetan Buddhism, all our ordained monks and nuns have access to medical insurance, pension insurance, social assistance, accident insurance, and health check-ups. For the first time they have been entitled to old-age pensions. We have continued to accelerate the construction of a law-based Xizang and a peaceful Xizang. For many years, there have been no major politically motivated, collective, or violent terrorist incidents. The sense of security and satisfaction among people of all ethnic groups has consistently ranked among the highest in the country. To be frank, if you have the opportunity to visit Lhasa, Xizang, and take a stroll along the bustling Barkhor Street, you will hardly see any thieves.

Third, since the new era, Xizang has implemented the new development philosophy in full, to the letter and in all fields, presenting a new outlook of prosperity and progress. Xizang's GDP has been growing at an average annual growth rate of 8.6%, ranking among the top in the country. From January to September this year, its GDP growth rate reached 9.8%, ranking first nationwide. All rural residents have access to safe drinking water. However, Xizang has a high altitude and a cold climate. Although we basically solved the issue of safe drinking water during the poverty alleviation period, there were some seasonal water shortages in areas above 4,500 meters, especially for farmers and herders. The Party committee and government of the autonomous region gave high priority to this issue. Last year, we launched a major project to improve people's livelihood and effectively solved this problem. The four "power corridors" of Qinghai-Xizang, Sichuan-Xizang, central Xizang, and Ngari electric transmission lines have connected all 74 counties in the region. The mileage in highways open to traffic has exceeded 120,000 kilometers. By the end of this year, there will be seven airports in operation, with 154 civil aviation routes linking 70 cities. The passenger throughput has exceeded 6 million. The Fuxing bullet train has reached the plateau. All the 5,400 administrative villages across the region have fiber-optic broadband and 4G signals. The average living space in rural and pastoral areas has reached over 40 square meters per person. The people of all ethnic groups have experienced tremendous historical changes in their lives, moving from water buckets to tap water, from oil lamps to electric lights, from dirt roads to paved roads, and from traditional tents to modern buildings.

Fourth, since the new era, Xizang has given high priority to ecological protection and green development, creating a beautiful landscape of blue skies, green land, and clear waters. Ecological protection has been constantly strengthened. We have vigorously implemented the Law of the People's Republic of China on Ecological Conservation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Regulations on Developing National Eco-Civilization Model in the Xizang Autonomous Region. Xizang is the first region in China to have local regulations on ecological protection. The forest coverage rate in the entire region has increased to 12.31%. Xizang has the highest volume of standing timber in the world and the tallest tree in Asia, which is 102 meters high and located in Nyingchi. Nyingchi also has a giant cypress tree that is 3,200 years old, and walnut trees that are over a thousand years old can be found in many of its counties of Nyingchi. The coverage of grassland vegetation has reached 47.14%. The ecological environment has been constantly improved. Nature reserves cover 36% of the total area of the region, and the ecological "red lines" account for over 50% of the total area. The air quality is excellent for over 99% of the days. Especially in Lhasa, the air quality is among the best in China. In Lhasa, you can wear a white shirt for a week without washing it, and your leather shoes will stay shiny for a week without polishing them. The Second Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has made remarkable discoveries, and the plateau has now achieved overall carbon neutrality. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is leading the way in China's environmental protection. Our ecological protection efforts continue to pay off. The installed capacity of clean energy, both completed and under construction, has reached 24 million kilowatts. Xizang is endowed with abundant clean energy resources, including hydropower, solar, wind, and geothermal energy. Overall, Xizang ranks first in the country in terms of clean energy resources. Xizang produces more than 9.8 billion kilowatts of solar energy, making it an important source for China's clean energy in the future. The added value of the digital economy has exceeded 20 billion yuan, and people of all ethnic groups have become the guardians of a good ecological environment and beneficiaries of the idea that "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." As Mr. Wang just mentioned, there are over 500,000 jobs every year for managing and protecting the environment, and the average annual benefit per person is 3,500 yuan.

Fifth, since the new era, we have adhered to the strategy that stability in Xizang is paramount in the governance of the border areas and the country as a whole, strengthening border defense and maintaining border security. We have made coordinated plans to build public service facilities such as schools, hospitals, and cultural and sports facilities in border areas. In 21 border counties, the economy and residents' income both maintained rapid growth, and standardized water supply plants and domestic garbage landfills are being built. A total of 624 villages realized moderate prosperity. All border counties have been connected to tarred roads; all border towns, townships, and villages can be reached by road; main power networks have covered all border towns and townships; and all villages have gained broadband access and 4G coverage. Different ethnic groups have thrived in high-altitude border areas like galsang flowers. 

Sixth, since the new era, we have adhered to and enhanced the overall leadership of the Party, pooling strength and fostering an atmosphere of integrity. There are 446,100 Party members and more than 23,000 primary-level Party organizations in Xizang. We have overwhelmingly won the anti-corruption battle and continued to reinforce the results so that the foundations of the Party's governance in Xizang are cemented. We have always upheld the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and have been committed to the Party's leadership, the people's position as masters of the country, and the rule of law of the governance of Xizang. Tibetan and other ethnic minorities account for 89.2% of the deputies to people's congresses at different levels in Xizang and 85.7% of members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at different levels in Xizang. The majority ethnic group makes up 87% of the population in Xizang. These high proportions demonstrate that the exercise of rights conferred to all ethnic groups in Xizang is fully guaranteed.

Xizang has experienced huge changes, standing out as a vivid example of the monumental achievements and historical transformations achieved by the Party and the country in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions regarding Xizang-related work and the Party's policies on the governance of Xizang in the new era offer the foundation, guidance, and strength for Xizang's development in the new era. Going forward, we will continue to center around the Party's policies on the governance of Xizang in the new era, keeping the big picture in mind and coordinating efforts. We will focus on maintaining stability, facilitating development, protecting the eco-environment, and safeguarding the borders. We will strive to establish model communities of ethnic unity and progress, build pilot areas for high-quality economic development in the plateau, develop a national eco-civilization model, and build a demonstration region for safeguarding, developing, and bringing prosperity to border areas. Through these efforts, we will write a new chapter in realizing modernization in Xizang through the Chinese path. 

China has a saying that seeing is believing. Not long ago, we convened the third China Xizang Trans-Himalaya Forum for International Cooperation, with more than 130 political dignitaries and journalists from nearly 40 countries in attendance. The attendees found the Xizang trip a memorable one, noting that people's satisfaction testifies to good governance and efforts in promoting prosperity in the region. Many foreign statesmen, diplomats, and journalists visited villagers in Nyingchi, where houses are equipped with modern comforts and people live in happiness. They found what they saw is hugely different from what they had been told and is not like what they had heard. So they urged people not to be beguiled by false information, and instead go visit and experience Xizang in person. "Distance cannot separate true friends who remain close even when thousands of miles apart." You are welcome to visit Xizang to experience the natural scenery and ethnic culture and feel the social solidarity and the spirit of striving to break new ground, and then help present to the world a new socialist Xizang in all dimensions, objectively and truthfully. 

This is my briefing. Thank you all!

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