Press conference on report to 20th CPC National Congress | November 3, 2022


Asahi Shimbun:

The report to the 20th CPC National Congress mentions "a Chinese path to modernization," which we believe is a key phrase on China's future. What is its essential meaning? The report also says that "Chinese modernization offers humanity a new choice for achieving modernization." Does this mean that China intends to export its development model to other countries? Thank you.  

Sun Yeli:

Thank you for your questions. You must have studied the report carefully as you noticed the key phrase "Chinese modernization." Modernization is a common pursuit of people across the world, but each country has its own way of achieving it. There is no model of modernization that fits all circumstances or overarching standards on modernization. The Chinese path to modernization contains elements that are common to the modernization process of all countries, but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context. Thus we have called it "Chinese modernization."

The report to the 20th CPC National Congress expounds on the five traits of Chinese modernization. First, it is the modernization of a huge population. China has a population of more than 1.4 billion, and it faces great constraints in its resources and environment. China's unique national conditions determine that its modernization cannot rigidly adopt foreign approaches, and that its pathways of development and methods of advancement will be unique. The modernization of such a huge population faces unparalleled difficulty and complexity, and carries unprecedented significance and influence. The modernization on such a large scale will also be a great contribution to the human society. We are thus aware of our huge responsibilities in this endeavor. 

Second, Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all. It is determined by the nature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will not tolerate polarization. Instead, we will work to ensure that all Chinese people enjoy a good life, and that they can participate in the process of modernization according to their own capabilities and share the fruits of China's development according to their own contributions. We will leave no group behind. Of course, common prosperity is not equal to egalitarianism, and still less does it mean robbing the rich to help the poor. It is a process of some people getting rich first and those who get rich first helping those who lag behind. Meanwhile, common prosperity involves a long historical process; it cannot be achieved in one go. But we will work toward it with steadfast resolve. The fact that nearly 100 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty since the 18th CPC National Congress is a prime example. 

Third, Chinese modernization is the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement. One big drawback to the modernization of some countries is excessive materialism. A strong material foundation and material abundance are of course an integral part of modernization. Nonetheless, it will be a tragedy for humanity if people get too materialistic, have no healthy spiritual aspirations or a rich spiritual life at all, and become what sociologists call "one-dimensional man," and succumb to a material desire instead of pursuing a multi-dimensional human nature. This is not something we want. What we would like to see is both material abundance and cultural-ethical enrichment, as well as people's well-rounded development.

Fourth, Chinese modernization is the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature. If we look at the world history of modernization, we will find that damage to the environment is a common problem amid industrialization and urbanization. China also had made blunders before, but after the 18th CPC National Congress, we resolutely halted environmental damage, and brought about historic, transformative, and comprehensive changes in ecological and environmental protection. The idea put forth by General Secretary Xi Jinping that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets has been embraced by the people and integrated into our institutions, policies, and culture. We will remain firmly committed to the path of sustainable development. 

Fifth, Chinese modernization is the modernization of peaceful development. In pursuing modernization, China will not tread the old path of war, colonization, and plunder taken by some countries. We are dedicated to peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit, which is determined by our system and culture. Peaceful development is in the fundamental interests of China, and we will continue to pursue it and hope that other countries pursue it as well. 

You asked whether China intends to export its development model. Our stance and attitude have been consistent and clear. We do not import development models and firmly oppose any attempt of other countries to force their models on us; we also do no export our model and ask other countries to copy it. Every country's efforts to independently explore a modernization path that fits their conditions should be respected. The statement that "Chinese modernization offers humanity a new choice for achieving modernization" serves as an advocation of the diversity of humanity, and shows our attitude toward promoting exchange and mutual learning among different civilizations and countries. If the international community is interested in learning about and drawing on China's experience we are willing to share. At the same time, China is learning about, studying, and drawing on other countries' experience with all sincerity. 

Thank you.

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