Press conference on report to 20th CPC National Congress | November 3, 2022


Xinhua News Agency:

It was just mentioned that in the second part of the report is a conclusion on theoretical innovation that can be summarized as "six musts," which is a new phrase. Can you explain how we should understand the "six musts"? Thank you.

Sun Yeli:

Thank you for your question. The "six musts" are very important as they are the stances, viewpoints and methods running through Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Each one of them is with rich connotations. For example, "put the people first" reflects a stance and an attitude, as well as our Party's nature and purpose. It also reflects the summarized understanding of the rules governing theoretical innovation of our Party as a Marxist governing party. People are the creators of history, and the people's creative practices are the inexhaustible source of our theoretical innovations, so our Party's theories are from the people. Our Party serves the people, so the theories of our Party are certainly for the people and beneficial to the people. The main task of our Party is to organize and lead the people to strive to realize a better life. This theory can be a powerful tool for changing the world only when it "gripped the masses" and is fully understood by the people. Our theories must be the ones liked, accepted and adopted by the people. General Secretary Xi Jinping explains this thoroughly. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era fully embodies this people-centeredness. 

Also, taking "maintain self-confidence and stand on our own feet" and "maintain a global vision" as examples. We maintain the Four-sphere Confidence and the principal position of our own culture. We won't mechanically imitate others or indiscriminately absorb foreign ideas. We also maintain a global vision to play our part in resolving the common issues facing humankind, and keep an open mind to draw inspiration from all of human civilization's outstanding achievements. These are two sides of the same coin: Without maintaining our own principal position, as through self-confidence and standing on one's own feet, no civilization or culture can be developed or effectively absorb fine foreign culture; while maintaining mutual learning, cultural exchanges and an open and inclusive mind is the only way to keep enhancing our vitality and continuing to diversify and grow stronger. Our Party is keenly aware of this. 

As for "adopt a problem-oriented approach," our Party does not indulge in empty talk, but rather we take action. We focus on combining knowledge with practice. Well-conceived theories lead us in addressing practical issues. At the same time, our knowledge of the rules governing all things is increased in the process of problem-solving, with our theories enriched and further developed. We develop new ideas, new approaches and new solutions in the process of solving problems and addressing challenges. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era was formed and further developed in such a way. A decade ago, we secured great achievements while facing a number of prominent issues and problems, some of which had been building for years and others were just emerging, such as corruption, structural and institutional problems of the economy, and damage to the environment. They were quite severe and many people concerned about the future of the Party and the country. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core brought together the entire Party, the military and the Chinese people and led them in effectively responding to these problems and solving them with decisive actions, thus opening new ground for the cause of the Party and the country. Along the way, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era was established. Theories are for solving problems. They should work in reality because only those that are effective will live on. Such traits of our Party's theories have demonstrated its practicality as a Marxist philosophy as well as the strong responsibility of our Party for the people, the country and history. Thank you. 

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