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Spokesperson slams DPP attempts to 'internationalize' Taiwan question


A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Wednesday slammed Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority for its attempts to take advantage of the Ukraine situation and masquerade the Taiwan question as an international issue.

XinhuaUpdated:  April 13, 2022

A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Wednesday slammed Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority for its attempts to take advantage of the Ukraine situation and masquerade the Taiwan question as an international issue.

Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said at a press conference that the DPP authority has been following anti-China forces in the West and hyping up the so-called "military threat" from the mainland, in an attempt to provoke further confrontation and create more tensions across the Taiwan Strait.

The spokesperson warned that "Taiwan independence" would lead to a loss of peace and plunge the region into peril. He also denounced the DPP's "Taiwan independence" provocations as the greatest threat to the security across the Strait.