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China issues judicial explanation to curb wildlife crimes

​China's top judicial agencies have announced a new judicial explanation to contain crimes targeting wild animals.

XinhuaUpdated:  April 8, 2022

China's top judicial agencies have announced a new judicial explanation to contain crimes targeting wild animals.

Judicial efforts should cover the entire criminal supply chain of wild animals, from poaching and transportation to processing and selling, said the document. It was released on Thursday and jointly issued by the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Those who purchase or sell poached wild animals should face convictions for covering up criminal activities, the document said.

To better implement the latest revision to the Criminal Law, which added articles about the offenses of poaching, transporting, and trading wild animals for consumption, the new document elaborated on what standards should be used to convict and punish such offenders.

The document also adjusts the criteria for convicting and punishing offenders, from the ones mainly based on the number of wild animals involved in the crimes based on their values.

The judicial explanation will take effect from Saturday.