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China firmly opposes US invitation to Taiwan authorities to attend 'summit for democracy'

China on Wednesday said it firmly opposes the U.S. invitation to Taiwan authorities to participate in the so-called summit for democracy, according to a foreign ministry spokesperson.

XinhuaUpdated:  November 25, 2021

China on Wednesday said it firmly opposes the U.S. invitation to Taiwan authorities to participate in the so-called summit for democracy, according to a foreign ministry spokesperson.

Spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks when asked to comment on the inclusion of Taiwan on a list of invitees to the so-called summit for democracy recently released by the U.S. State Department.

Zhao said that there is only one China, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the one-China principle is a universally recognized norm governing international relations. Taiwan has no status in international law except its status as a part of China.

"We solemnly urge the United States to abide by the one-China principle and the relevant provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiques, and we urge the United States to stop providing any platform to or supporting the 'Taiwan independence' forces," Zhao said, adding that playing with fire when it comes to "Taiwan independence" will eventually draw fire to the United States itself.

Concerning the so-called summit for democracy, Zhao said that China has made its position clear on many occasions.

Democracy is the common value of all people, and it is not to be monopolized by a few countries. What the United States has done is proof that democracy is just a cover and a tool used by the U.S. side to advance its geostrategic goals, suppress other countries, split the world and serve its own self-interests, Zhao said.

The United States pursues bloc politics and incites confrontation under the cloak of democracy, reigniting a Cold War mentality and drawing widespread questions and opposition from far-sighted people in the international community, he added.