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Chinese customs seize more IPR-infringing goods in first two months

Chinese customs seized 6,280 batches of goods that infringe on intellectual property rights (IPR) in the first two months of this year, up 237 percent year on year, the country's top customs authority said Thursday.

XinhuaUpdated: March 12, 2021

Chinese customs seized 6,280 batches of goods that infringe on intellectual property rights (IPR) in the first two months of this year, up 237 percent year on year, the country's top customs authority said Thursday.

In January and February, customs nationwide approved 2,862 applications for IPR protection, up 5 percent from the same period last year, according to the General Administration of Customs (GAC).

Amid efforts to tighten IPR protection, customs across the country have launched a crackdown this year on IPR infringement of high-risk goods such as food, medicine and personal care products.

Chinese customs seized 61,900 batches of IPR-infringing goods in 2020, up 20 percent year on year, the GAC data showed.