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State Council's inter-agency task force briefing on COVID-19 vaccine

The State Council's inter-agency task force held a press conference on Dec. 31 in Beijing to brief the media about issues related to COVID-19 vaccine.

China.org.cnUpdated:  January 4, 2021

China Daily:

Pharmaceutical companies such as U.S. Pfizer and Moderna as well as the UK's AstraZeneca have announced plans to promote their vaccines. What role will China play in the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX) after the COVID-19 vaccine is launched in the market conditionally? Thank you.

Shen Bo:

Thank you for your concern about international cooperation on vaccines. The epidemic knows no borders. It is therefore the common aspiration of all countries in the world to unite against the epidemic and promote recovery through cooperation. China has always been open to international cooperation on vaccines and the Chinese government has actively supported COVAX. On Oct. 8, China signed an agreement with Gavi to officially join COVAX, marking an important move of China to uphold the vision of the world as a global community of health for all and promote vaccines as a global public good.

At present, many Chinese COVID-19 vaccines have entered phase Ⅲ clinical trials and many other vaccines are stepping up their phase I and phase II clinical trials. The Chinese government has actively encouraged and supported Chinese vaccine research and development enterprises to join COVAX and cooperate with relevant initiators to provide vaccines to developing countries. It is understood that many Chinese vaccine companies have expressed to COVAX their willingness to join the program, and are negotiating with different countries regarding vaccine supply plans. We are looking forward to the inclusion of Chinese vaccines in the COVAX vaccine pool and pre-certification of Chinese vaccines by the World Health Organization at an early date.

China will continue to work with all parties to promote the equitable distribution of global vaccines, facilitate global solidarity in the fight against the epidemic, and protect the lives and health of people around the world. Thank you.

Global Times:

Regarding the COVID-19 vaccine that has been granted conditional marketing authorization, how long will the antibody and its efficacy last? Thank you.

Wu Yonglin: 

Thank you for your question. CNBG under the State-owned pharmaceutical giant Sinopharm has conducted clinical research of phase I and II at home and phase Ⅲ research abroad, with constant observation as to the antibodies. The phase I and II research data shows that the antibody can maintain at a high level for over six months in humans. Countries such as UAE (United Arab Emirates) and Bahrain have approved China's homegrown coronavirus vaccine for their own public use in accordance with WHO standards. And the interim analysis of clinical trials shows its protective effects have realized and passed the requirements for public use. Countries undertaking clinical researches will further observe the durability of the antibody. According to China's requirements for conditional marketing authorization and WHO technological standards, the interim analysis and data monitoring have achieved their due objectives in line with the marketing demand. As an innovative vaccine, its durability and protective effect will be verified after a longer period of observation. However, we still believe that, with the progress of the phase Ⅲ clinical trial, we will gain and publish data showing long-term protection. Thank you!

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