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SCIO briefing on China's policies and actions for addressing climate change


A press conference was held Wednesday morning to introduce the report "China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change (2019)."

China.org.cnUpdated: November 28, 2019

China Daily:

All departments are planning their work for the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) period. What plans does the Ministry of Ecology and Environment have for addressing climate change in this period?

Zhao Yingmin:

The 14th Five-Year Plan period is an essential stage in our pursuit of high-quality economic development, building of a beautiful China and implementing our intended nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will continue to implement proactive national strategies on climate change and include combatting climate change in the 14th Five-year Plan for Economic and Social Development as well as in the corresponding plan for environmental protection. In accordance with the requirements for pursuing high-quality economic development and building a beautiful China, we will intensify our efforts to address climate change and lay a solid foundation for achieving the objectives of the NDCs by 2030. According to national instructions, we are actively planning our work to combat climate change over the 14th Five-Year Plan period in the following aspects.

First, we will continue to take measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. We will make active and prudent efforts to support and encourage actions by some regions and key industries to achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions in view of their current levels of economic and social development, to develop specific goals, roadmaps and action plans. We will continue to take the reduction rate of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP as a criterion, perform management on non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions and enhance greenhouse gas data management. We will also promote the integration of our work on combatting climate change, tackle pollution and protect the environment, as well as accelerate the application of low-carbon technologies and the development of low-carbon industries.

Second, we will speed up our work to establish markets for trading carbon emission rights. We plan to build an open, transparent and active national carbon market featuring sound institutions and strict regulations during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. This will ensure the smooth and effective functioning of carbon markets across the country.

Third, we will further improve the systems and mechanisms and perfect the laws and regulations addressing climate change. We will further strengthen the overall planning and coordination of the National Leading Group on Climate Change, Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction. And we will continue to improve the working mechanisms, reinforce the coordination and cooperation between various departments and local governments, and build a stronger team of people and enhance their capabilities. 

Fourth, we will push for the construction of a global climate governance system that is fairer and more rationally structured with the aim of achieving win-win cooperation. We will proactively participate in global climate governance, uphold multilateralism, and champion the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement. We will stick to the framework and principles for global climate governance that are defined by the detailed rules for the implementation of these international treaties, and adhere to the principle of fairness, "common but differentiated responsibilities" and respective capabilities so as to advance global climate governance. Also, we will step up South-South cooperation for addressing climate change and continue to do our best to provide aid and support for other developing countries. 

Fifth, we will give equal importance to the mitigation of and the adaptation to climate change, while stepping up efforts to adapt to climate change. To meet the work requirements of adapting to climate change, we plan to update the national strategy in this regard and implement the strategy with practical measures. They include pushing for actions in the areas of agriculture, water conservation, afforestation, marine environment protection, healthcare, and disaster prevention and mitigation, increasing the capabilities of climate change adaptation, and further enhancing international cooperation in this field. Thank you.

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