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Press conference on promoting ecological progress and building of a beautiful China

China.org.cn | October 4, 2019


China Central Television:

Mr. Li, you have contributed to and witnessed China's ecological protection campaign. From your point of view, are there any good practices we can draw on from the achievements made?

Li Ganjie:

Thank you for your question. In the past 70 years, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has made many achievements in ecological and environmental protection under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and with the joint efforts of the whole nation.

We have explored many effective practices in environmental protection during this process. Here are six that I think are the most important:

First, putting into practice Xi Jinping's thinking on promoting ecological progress. The thinking, which I think is composed of the following eight parts, is profound and specific, and gives much guidance and inspiration to our work. First, a civilization prospers when its environment is well-preserved. Second, creating harmony between man and nature. Third, green mountains are akin to mountains of gold. Fourth, protecting the environment is ensuring the people's livelihood. Fifth, adopting a holistic approach to conserving mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands. Sixth, implementing the strictest possible systems for environmental protection. Seventh, mobilizing the whole society to promote environmental protection and build a beautiful China. Eighth, working together with the international community to build a sound global eco-environment.

Second, putting people first. On one hand, we need to improve the environment to better serve the people and meet their growing demands. On the other hand, we need to make more progress by depending on their support and supervision.

Third, making sure that the Party and government officials take equal responsibility in environmental protection. While strengthening the Party leadership, we will try to ensure that Party committees and governments at all levels take full responsibility in ecological protection, and that officials from various departments should perform their environmental protection duties in addition to their specific jobs.

Fourth, placing the quality of the environment at the center of our work. In the past, quantity was our first priority, but now we are focusing more on quality in environmental protection.

Fifth, we should stick to six working principles, i.e. seeking progress while maintaining stability; taking all factors into consideration; adopting comprehensive measures and strategies; paying attention to both the macro and the micro level; making overall progress while choosing several priorities; being realistic and pragmatic. I think these are the most important working principles we have drawn from our experience.

Last but not least, we are constantly strengthening our institutions and technological capabilities, and will endeavor to modernize our methodology and systems to protect the environment.

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