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SCIO briefing on China's industrial and communications development

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A press conference was held Friday afternoon to introduce China's industrial and communications development over the past 70 years.

China.org.cnUpdated:  September 23, 2019

Radio Television Hong Kong:

Mr.Miao, some Chinese internet users have recently reported difficulties in using theirVPNs to browse overseas websites. Is it possible for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to confirm whether it is strengthening the regulation of VPN tools as the National Day approaches? Does this run counter to the country's relevant internet opening-up policy? Are there any plans for further tightening internet controls in the future? Thank you.

Miao Wei:

I would like to invite Mr. Wen Ku to answer this question.

Wen Ku:

Thanks for your question. VPN,alsoknown as virtual private network, is a general network communication technology. In order to maintain a fair and orderly market and promote the healthy development of the industry, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has formulated some regulations on cross-border telecommunications business activities. The regulations, mainly in accordance with the Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China and the Measures on the Administration of International Communication Access, aim to crack down enterprises or individuals whodo not havenecessary international telecommunication business operation certifications approved by telecommunication authorities, but still rent special lines or VPNs to do illegal business. The relevant regulations will not affect the cross-border internet access of domestic and foreign enterprises and individual users, nor will it affect how they wouldconducttheir business under the law. If foreign trade enterprises and multinational companies need special lines for cross-border networking for their businesses, they can rent them from telecommunication business operators who have the necessaryapprovals from telecommunication authorities and the requisitequalifications to conduct international telecommunication business. Enterprises and individuals who carry out production, business and other activities in China should all abide by Chinese laws and regulations. Any legal business operations or legal utilization [of tools] will be protected by the law.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to emphasize that different countries have different ways of management. Anyone who carries out production, business and other activities in China should abide by Chinese laws and regulations. At the same time, we also pay close attention to the needs of the people. Some information posted online, such asinformationon violence, drug trafficking, gun smuggling and pornography, are not allowed in China in accordance with relevant regulations. It is not about the timing, but a principle that we have always adhered to. Thank you.

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