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SCIO briefing on fentanyl-related substances control

The State Council Information Office of China held a press conference on fentanyl-related substances control on April 1.

China.org.cnUpdated:  April 2, 2019


As far as I know, China has adopted very strict regulatory measures for fentanyl, and the varieties of control have surpassed the varieties of the United Nations. Why do we need to include all fentanyl-related substances into the control list? Thank you.

Liu Yuejin:

Fentanyl-related substances are new synthetic drugs that have only appeared in recent years and have spread rapidly in countries such as the United States and Canada. Due to its strong toxicity and vast variety , this type of substance has become a major problem for international drug control efforts. In this regard, China's anti-drug authorities have comprehensively adopted a series of measures such as increasing the variety of products under control, strengthening daily supervision, tightening inspections, innovating management and control measures, and strengthening international cooperation. China has already issued and implemented regulatory controls on 25 fentanyl-related substances, exceeding the 21 issued by the UN. These measures have effectively prevented the spread of such substances in China. In particular, we have strengthened supervision over the legal production of fentanyl-related drugs, and adopted a very strict process from production to use, completely eliminating abuse of fentanyl-related drugs produced by legitimate enterprises.

As everyone knows, China was historically suffered from drugs. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government rooted out drugs in three years, winning China the accolade of "drug-free country" around the world. With the continued spread of global drug trafficking, the drug problem has resurfaced in our country.

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping has attached great importance to anti-drug work and has given a series of important instructions, calling for joint efforts in global drug governance from the perspective of safeguarding of the health, safety and well-being of all human beings. This is pivotal if we are to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Last December, General Secretary Xi Jinping announced that China has decided to include all fentanyl-related substances into the control list, demonstrating China's commitment to participate in the global governance in drugs. It also demonstrates the Chinese government's firm determination on people-centered development and on safeguarding the health and well-being of all people. The decision has been based on the painful lesson from the United States.

We firmly believe that the decision to include all fentanyl-like substances into the control list will completely block all loopholes – currently abused by simply modifying one or several atoms. We will lay a solid legal foundation for public security, customs, as well as law enforcement and judicial departments such as the procuratorate and the courts, so that they can crack down on such criminal activities. We will also effectively prevent the massive abuse of fentanyl-related substances and illegal drug trafficking and smuggling activities, contributing Chinese wisdom and power to global drug control.

Phoenix Satellite TV:

The United States has accused China of being the main source of fentanyl-related substances. What do you think of this accusation? In addition, this time China will add all fentanyl-related substances into the control list. Do you think this move will be helpful to address the U.S. concern? Thank you.

Liu Yuejin:

The control of fentanyl-related drugs in China is very strict. Fentanyl-related drugs produced by legal manufacturers have never been abused, nor can they flow into the United States. China's law enforcement authorities have investigated and cracked down on several illegal cases of processing and trafficking fentanyl-related substances to the United States. All these cases were committed by both domestic and foreign criminals in collusion with each other. The drugs were transported to the United States in disguise or hidden in international parcels, but the number was extremely limited. It cannot be the main source to the United States. So, the U.S. accusation lacks evidence and goes against the facts.

The Chinese government has always adhered to the principle of strict drug control, earnestly fulfilling its international drug control obligations and actively participating in tackling the global narcotic drug abuse problem with the attitude of a responsible major country. The manufacturing, trafficking and abusing of fentanyl-related substances is an international problem, which is unlikely to be solved by relying solely on the efforts of a single country. It requires the joint efforts of all countries. The Chinese government is willing to work with the international community, including the United States, to study ways of responding to this global problem and controlling the use of psychoactive substances such as fentanyl.

We believe that the abuse of fentanyl-related substances in the United States is due to its own internal issues. The first is due to traditional causes. There is a widespread tradition of abuse of prescription painkillers in the United States, and Americans, who make up 5 percent of the world's population, consume 80 percent of the world's opioids. The second cause is the profit motive of drug companies. In order to maintain considerable profits, large-scale pharmaceutical companies have the tendency to fund experts to do research and conclude that opioids are harmless. Pharmacies are eager to sell them and doctors prescribe excess drugs, all of which form a complete profit chain of overlapping interests. Thirdly, supervision is weak and prescription drugs are not well regulated. Abusers can travel to another state to get more prescription drugs, and doctors can repeatedly prescribe the same drugs without supervision. This is a glaring loophole in the medical system. The fourth cause is cultural in nature. There is not enough publicity about the dangers of drugs. Some people have even linked drug use to "freedom," "personality" and "liberation" and more than half of the states in the U.S. have "legalized marijuana." These factors combine to create a large-scale abuse of fentanyl-related substances in the United States.

I believe that if the United States really wants to solve its fentanyl-related substance abuse problem, it needs to strengthen its work domestically. It should find the causes of the large-scale abuse of fentanyl-related substances, identify the abusing groups as well as the source of fentanyl-related substances and the channels used to smuggle and traffic the drugs. It must identify the crux of the problem and find the right solution. They must also strengthen drug prevention education, starting with reducing the demand and curbing the spread of fentanyl-related substance abuse. While intensifying domestic efforts to crack down on drug-related crimes, they should also carry out international cooperation and strengthen intelligence exchange, evidence sharing and joint investigations, instead of blaming other countries. Thank you.


First, I would like to confirm with you the issue of overall control of fentanyl-related substances that you just mentioned. As neither of us are experts in the field, will the new regulation actually be able to block existing loopholes? Will the regulation cover all aspects no matter how illicit drug makers change the chemical compositions or structures? Or is this an open announcement that can be amended to adapt to different situations? I have another question. You must know that U.S. President Donald Trump is very concerned about the issue. In a Twitter post last December, he called for China to impose the death penalty on distributors and pushers of fentanyl-related substances as a means to solve the problem. As a Chinese law enforcer, what is your opinion on this? Finally, some Americans have been concerned that no matter what policies the Chinese central government introduces, local governments may not implement them or even totally ignore them due to corruption? How do you respond?Thank you.

Chen Shifei:

The purpose of drug control, in addition to preventing abuse, is to minimize the impact on legitimate medical needs and safeguard necessary clinical use. Therefore, in the process of argumentation for listing all fentanyl-related substances under control, we have mainly taken following measures: First, we have fully evaluated the varieties of all fentanyl-related substances and their potential legitimate use. Second, we have scientifically identified the scope of fentanyl-related substances, so as to avoid impact on legitimate medical use. Third, we have formulated regulations on exceptions. If any fentanyl-related substance under control is found to have legitimate application in the pharmaceutical, industrial, scientific or other sectors, we will make a dynamic adjustment between the non-medicinal and medicinal categories. Of course, with the gradual improvement of legislative techniques and administrative supervision methods, if we have better legislative methods or control measures in the future, we will make timely adjustments. Thank you.

Liu Yuejin:

The other question you've asked was about U.S. President Donald Trump's tweets regarding China's problems and speculations about the law enforcement process of fentanyl, including new psychoactive substances. Let me answer this question briefly. The Chinese government is resolutely committed to the fight against the drug-related crimes, and we have clear legal regulations on that. We have been highly concerned about new fentanyl drugs before they spread on a large scale. As many as 25 types of fentanyl-related substances and two other fentanyl precursor chemicals have been included onto our control list, exceeding the 21 categories under the UN rules. Moreover, regarding law enforcement, China has always acted strictly in accordance with the law to ensure the strict law enforcement. By scheduling the whole fentanyl-related substances, the Chinese government will crack down on all kinds of criminals in accordance with the law, showing no mercy. Thank you.


First, I would like to confirm with you the issue of overall control of fentanyl-related substances that you just mentioned. As neither of us are experts in the field, will the new regulation actually be able to block existing loopholes? Will the regulation cover all aspects no matter how illicit drug makers change the chemical compositions or structures? Or is this an open announcement that can be amended to adapt to different situations? I have another question. You must know that U.S. President Donald Trump is very concerned about the issue. In a Twitter post last December, he called for China to impose the death penalty on distributors and pushers of fentanyl-related substances as a means to solve the problem. As a Chinese law enforcer, what is your opinion on this? Finally, some Americans have been concerned that no matter what policies the Chinese central government introduces, local governments may not implement them or even totally ignore them due to corruption? How do you respond?Thank you.

Chen Shifei:

The purpose of drug control, in addition to preventing abuse, is to minimize the impact on legitimate medical needs and safeguard necessary clinical use. Therefore, in the process of argumentation for listing all fentanyl-related substances under control, we have mainly taken following measures: First, we have fully evaluated the varieties of all fentanyl-related substances and their potential legitimate use. Second, we have scientifically identified the scope of fentanyl-related substances, so as to avoid impact on legitimate medical use. Third, we have formulated regulations on exceptions. If any fentanyl-related substance under control is found to have legitimate application in the pharmaceutical, industrial, scientific or other sectors, we will make a dynamic adjustment between the non-medicinal and medicinal categories. Of course, with the gradual improvement of legislative techniques and administrative supervision methods, if we have better legislative methods or control measures in the future, we will make timely adjustments. Thank you.

Liu Yuejin:

The other question you've asked was about U.S. President Donald Trump's tweets regarding China's problems and speculations about the law enforcement process of fentanyl, including new psychoactive substances. Let me answer this question briefly. The Chinese government is resolutely committed to the fight against the drug-related crimes, and we have clear legal regulations on that. We have been highly concerned about new fentanyl drugs before they spread on a large scale. As many as 25 types of fentanyl-related substances and two other fentanyl precursor chemicals have been included onto our control list, exceeding the 21 categories under the UN rules. Moreover, regarding law enforcement, China has always acted strictly in accordance with the law to ensure the strict law enforcement. By scheduling the whole fentanyl-related substances, the Chinese government will crack down on all kinds of criminals in accordance with the law, showing no mercy. Thank you.

Agence France-Presse (AFP):

The United States recently summoned several Chinese nationals for alleged crimes of trafficking fentanyl-related substances. What's your comment on this? What measures will China take?

Liu Yuejin:

China and U.S. law enforcement departments have been jointly investigating the cases you have mentioned. We work effectively and have a close relationship. So far, the Chinese side has not found any violation of Chinese law on the part of those Chinese nationals. The American side has also yet to present any evidence for their breach of Chinese law. Our cooperative investigation is still underway. However, the American side has already started the prosecution, among other measures, without communicating with us in advance. We regret over such approach, which has undermined our cooperation.

As for law enforcement, we will continue to keep a close eye on the investigation and prosecution enforced by the American side. On our part, we will also investigate these cases and people further. And we are ready to strengthen intelligence information sharing with our U.S. counterparts. Thank you.

China Daily:

What measures will you take to ensure the full and effective implementation for the decision to include all fentanyl-related substances onto the control list? And what will you do in terms of stepping up international cooperation to combat crimes in this field? Thank you.

Liu Yuejin:

In the legislation, after we have included all fentanyl-related substances into control list, the relevant authorities in the Chinese government will take a host of measures to ensure full and effective implementation. The main measures will be taken as follows:

First, we will run thorough investigations. There will be in-depth investigations into suspected bio-medicine bases and chemical parks to eradicate the illicit manufacturing of fentanyl-related substances. Information on the internet relating to drugs will be taken down, and we will cut off online communication and transaction channels for criminals.

Second, there will be an intensified effort to combat drug smuggling and trafficking. We will urge delivery companies to register the sender's real name, conduct out-of-the-box inspections and utilize security machines. More examinations will be done on international parcels in high risk customs clearance zones, and the proportion and frequency of inspections will be increased to prevent fentanyl from being smuggled out of the country.

Third, we will conduct criminal investigations. We will put together special teams to look into the smuggling, manufacturing and trafficking of fentanyl-related substances and other drugs.

Fourth, we will deepen law enforcement cooperation. China will take the initiative to strengthen information sharing and case cooperation with relevant countries to jointly investigate smuggling cases, and take the utmost effort to destroy transnational networks of drug smuggling.

Fifth, we will step up research on technology. More effort will be taken to develop examination and identification technologies, and to work on accelerating onsite investigation technology and developing lab testing equipment. We will develop a rapid assessment system for the fentanyl addiction in line with China's national conditions. 

In the next step, China will work with the international community, including the United States, in a joint response to combat the challenges posed by fentanyl-related substances. Thank you.


I have two questions. One is that, after including all fentanyl-related substances under control, will legitimate pharmaceutical companies producing related products see more rigid regulation to avoid their products being used illegally? The other is about industrial hemp that has received much attention recently. We noticed that the National Narcotic Control Committee has issued several statements before. We want to know if the many domestic companies involved in the planting and purification of hemp are acting legally and if there will be more rigid regulatory measures for industrial hemp in the future. Thank you.

Chen Shifei:

The Chinese government joined the United Nations' Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs in 1985. The former health ministry issued measures to control narcotic drugs in 1987, which listed fentanyl, sufentanil, and alfentanil as narcotics for regulation. The government has been taking rigorous measures to control narcotics through the processes of scientific research, production, distribution, use and export. All related scientific research programs require registration and approval. Production is limited to appointed manufacturers with the quantities prescribed. The distribution is also strictly confined to fixed channels to avoid related products entering illegal channels and causing undesirable consequences. A mechanism that involves producers, suppliers and medical institutions has been functioning well and prevented undesirable consequences from happening.

As for the export of narcotic drugs, we handle this with strict approval and control procedures within the framework of the UN. Currently, the amounts of exports are quite small. I think our current regulatory measures for narcotic drugs including fentanyl-related substances are efficacious and adequate. Thank you.

Liu Yuejin:

I will briefly answer the question regarding "industrial marijuana." Here in China, we have rigorous management procedures and total quantity control over the production, plantation, storage, and transportation of "industrial marijuana." All this has proceeded under the strict supervision and control of relevant government departments. Therefore, as far as this problem is concerned, there are no serious violations in our country. Currently, on the premise that many countries have legalized marijuana, China will tighten up its supervision and control over "industrial marijuana," close all loopholes, and improve all kinds of management systems. Thank you.

Financial Times:

Just now, Mr. Liu mentioned the cooperation between China and other countries. Here is my question for you. Are there any countries besides the United States that is concerned with the inflow of the illicit drug smuggled from China? I see lots of representatives from embassies seated here today. Could you please tell us about other countries' concerns, as well as China's cooperative endeavor with them? Thank you.

Liu Yuejin:

Regarding the fentanyl-related substances, the joint efforts in finding clues and the lawsuits involved, the US law enforcement authorities have remained China's major partners while pushing forward the smooth and close cooperation in exchange of intelligence and information, as well as joint detections. The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been very pleased and complimented the overall cooperation with China's law enforcement authorities. In regards to other countries, especially European countries, China has worked with them in concerted efforts to detect and crack down on the new psychoactive substances other than fentanyl-related substances. These cooperations include exchanging intelligence, sharing information, and coordinating joint detections. The cooperation is also smooth. It should be mentioned that China has cooperated well with the rest of the world, in addition to the United States, in line with its anti-drug endeavor. Thank you.

Hu Kaihong:

The press conference ends here today. Thanks for our three guest speakers, and thank you, everyone.

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