A grand military parade was held at the Zhurihe military training base on July 30 to mark the 90th founding anniversary of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
Risk control and serving the real economy will be the major tasks of China's financial sector in H2.
Walking under the shade of the trees, Wang Wenhua remembers the days when the barren mountains were swept by sandstorms.
China, a country pursuing a path of peaceful development, proves to be a staunch and positive force in safeguarding world peace and development.
"If you were killed during a mission, how would you like your UN death benefits to be distributed?"
Doomsayers on China's economy have been wrong in the past, and they are wrong again today.
Last weekend, a Chinese warship appeared in waters off the state of Queensland in Eastern Australia, which was interpreted in some quarters as an action monitoring ongoing joint military exercises between Australia and the United States.
For the past 27 years, China has devoted itself to peacekeeping missions by dispatching troops to maintain peace in conflict-torn countries.
China's major state-owned enterprises (SOE) will complete corporate governance reform by the end of 2017 in efforts to overhaul inefficient state companies.
A total of 50 young delegates from the BRICS countries attended the 2017 BRICS Youth Forum in Beijing on July 25.