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SCIO press conference on striving to break new ground in high-quality development and sustained revitalization of Heilongjiang

China.org.cn | May 15, 2024

Red Star News:

We have observed that in the past two years, the number of enterprises investing in Heilongjiang has been increasing, which, to some extent, reflects changes in the local business environment. What has Heilongjiang done to improve the business environment, and what other measures will be taken? Thank you.

Liang Huiling:

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I'll invite Mr. Yu Jian to answer this question.

Yu Jian:

Thank you for your question. As we all know, Harbin's winter sports tourism has recently become a sensation. With proactive service support from government departments, commitments upheld by businesses, and warm hospitality from the locals, Heilongjiang has embraced a "pamper the guests" approach. This has garnered extensive praise and serves as a testament to the ongoing improvement of our province's business environment. As Governor Liang Huiling just said, last year saw a 14% increase in newly registered market entities, a 13.8% rise in newly signed investment projects, and a 68.5% growth in newly established foreign-invested enterprises compared to the previous year.

In our practical work, we focused on the following four aspects. First, we established a mechanism for people to learn from each other and strove for excellence. We benchmarked against advanced regions and mobilized the entire province's efforts to carry out targeted campaigns to optimize the business environment. Through monthly scheduling, quarterly reporting, semi-annual reviews and annual assessments, all local departments have strived for excellence, thus cultivating a favorable atmosphere and inter-level synergy centered on improving the business environment.

Second, we worked with sincerity and passion. By soliciting enterprises' demands and providing government services to them, we opened "fast lanes" and "green channels" for problem-solving. Across the province, 30,000 officials have partnered with 522,000 enterprises, resolving 17,800 practical problems. We have implemented inclusive and prudent regulation and law enforcement across the board, allowing businesses ample room to make and learn from mistakes. More than 310,000 such cases have been handled, demonstrating compassion in our law enforcement. A series of pro-business relief policies were introduced, and the timely and accurate delivery of these policies via the Addressing Problems Across the Province app has ensured that these enterprises can leverage our policies to the fullest extent.

Third, we prioritized immediate action and excellence. With the development of digital governance, we have optimized our administrative service model, advancing multiple initiatives for efficiently accomplishing tasks. Nationally, Heilongjiang leads the way in innovating and demonstrating a focused approach to "retirement procedures," reducing the processing time from 30 working days to just 10 minutes, marking a historic leap. We have introduced more than 500 convenient applications related to public security, public affairs, human resources and social security, healthcare, and transportation, significantly cutting down both the steps and time required for public services.

Fourth, we honored our commitments and tried our best to meet people's demands. We improved the credit system and continued a special campaign to address the issue of "new officials ignoring old debts," clearing up overdue payments to private enterprises. Any actions that damage the government's credibility are met with serious investigation and consequences. The 12345 public service hotline serves as a "central customer service hub", with government departments swiftly responding to and addressing concerns of citizens and market entities. In this way, we ensure that the pressing difficulties and problems that concern business entities and people are resolved.

We are well aware that there is always room for improving the business environment. We will further cultivate a world-class, market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment, making Heilongjiang a favored destination for investment, stimulating the vitality of business entities, and promoting high-quality development and sustainable revitalization. We welcome more companies to invest and do business in Heilongjiang. I believe that through our efforts, the business environment will continue to improve. Thank you.

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