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SCIO press conference on striving to break new ground in high-quality development and sustained revitalization of Heilongjiang

China.org.cn | May 15, 2024

Southern Metropolis Daily:

We have noticed that in 2022, Heilongjiang introduced the 60 measures for talent revitalization in the new era. Could you please tell us what changes these policies have brought about in terms of attracting and retaining talent in Heilongjiang? What further steps will be taken to consolidate the talent foundation for high-quality development? Thank you.

Liang Huiling:

Thank you for your interest in talent revitalization. This question goes to Mr. Chen.

Chen Shaobo:

Thank you for your concern and support for talent revitalization in Heilongjiang. Talent is the key to Heilongjiang's revitalization. Therefore, we have consistently adhered to the principle that talent is our most valuable resource and have introduced a series of concrete measures.

First, we have advanced efforts to implement active and effective talent revitalization policies. As mentioned, we have formulated and implemented the 60 Measures for Talent Revitalization in Heilongjiang in the New Era, along with a series of supporting policies. These policies are active, open, and of high value and quality, leading to positive results. The governor noted that our overall talent pool is expanding, with a significant increase in the number of high-end talents introduced into the province. Moreover, while there was previously a net outflow of individuals with senior professional titles from universities, this trend reversed last year, resulting in a new influx of such talent. Additionally, both the number of college graduates opting to remain in the province and the number of those coming here for employment reached a five-year high, signaling a promising trend of talent returning to and staying in Heilongjiang.

Second, we have made every effort to build a platform for talent development that enables talented people to unleash their full potential. As we all know, Harbin Institute of Technology is one of the best universities for robotics. We have fully leveraged our professional expertise in this regard, and integrated various resources and production factors to give full support for the university to accelerate commercialization of their research findings in robotics. Substantial results have been achieved. I would like to take two companies here as an example. Harbin Boshi Automation Co. Ltd. has achieved breakthroughs in key technologies regarding robots' ability to work in front of a furnace, and Harbin Sagebot Intelligent Medical Equipment Co. LTD. has realized domestic production of surgical robots. Such accomplishments are not easy to achieve. Through these industries and platforms, we have attracted a large number of robotics professionals and other related professionals to the province. Next, we will make sustained efforts in creating suitable jobs and building favorable platforms to better help talented people settle here.

Third, we have intensified efforts to launch key talent programs. In order to support talent development with good faith and money, we have set up special funds financed by the provincial government to implement the "Leading Wild Goose" talent support plan, actively recruiting scientists and technologists who are able to organize and lead scientific research and who have extensive influence in relevant industries and fields, and giving them greater autonomy in their technical routes and their team recruitment and staffing. Meanwhile, we have vigorously implemented a training program for outstanding engineers, steadily promoted the "Skilled Personnel in Heilongjiang" initiative, and continued to carry out activities such as the "Heilongjiang Talent Week." We are accelerating the establishment of a supporting system for talent programs and projects covering all key sectors and areas. Last year, highly skilled personnel reached 825,000 in the province, accounting for 31.7% of the entire skilled workforce.

Fourth, we have jointly fostered a nurturing environment for talent in Heilongjiang province, satisfying the needs of local talent and attracting talented people from afar. We have continuously improved a systematic mechanism to ensure services and support for talent, carried out tiered accreditation for high-level talent, and issued Heilongjiang Talent Cards that offer 24 exclusive services in seven areas including children's education, medical examination and treatment, and transportation, relieving the worries of high-level talent. Meanwhile, we have attached great importance to the discovery, cultivation and use of various talented people, such as people with vocational skills and local talented people, making it common practice throughout the province to identify gifted individuals, value them, respect them and put them to good use.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite talented people from all over the world to join us in building and developing Heilongjiang. Here, you and the province will contribute to each other's success and create a better future together. Thank you.

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