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SCIO press conference on striving to break new ground in high-quality development and sustained revitalization of Heilongjiang

China.org.cn | May 15, 2024

Xie Yingjun:

Thank you, Ms. Liang. The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the news outlet you work for before asking your question.


We have noticed that in the context of promoting high-quality development, many regions have expressed their intention to "accelerate the development of new quality productive forces." What measures will Heilongjiang take to develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions? Thank you.

Liang Huiling:

Your question is very important, and I will answer it. We have specifically formulated and published an action plan on accelerating the development of new quality productive forces. We will focus on three aspects to build the province into a hub for developing new quality productive forces.

First, we will focus on scientific and technological innovation as the driving force. Last year, we introduced 60 measures for innovative development and many other measures for driving industrial revitalization with scientific and technological innovation. We established technology transformation platforms like the Institute for Advanced Technology and the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Harbin Institute of Technology. In 2023, we completed the transformation of 589 major scientific and technological achievements, and the number of high-tech enterprises grew 22.9%. We will make good use of national sci-tech innovation platforms such as the Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone. Efforts will be made to achieve major scientific and technological breakthroughs, cultivate strategic scientific and technological strength, and promote research into new and disruptive technologies in fields such as intelligent robots, life sciences, and continental shale oil. We will adhere to a mechanism in which enterprises set the agenda, research institutions address the problems, and markets evaluate the research results. We will improve this collaborative innovation mechanism among industries, universities, research institutions, and end-users, with enterprises at its core. Efforts will be made to build an ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship involving universities and research institutions. We will cultivate and introduce high-tech companies, accelerate the transformation of sci-tech achievements in the province, and foster new growth drivers.

Second, we will focus on local conditions and implement tailored measures. We remain committed to developing a modern industrial system with Heilongjiang's distinctive features, based on the province's unique resource strengths, industrial foundation, and research conditions, to foster new quality productive forces tailored to local conditions. On the one hand, we will revitalize old industries. We will carry out actions to promote technological transformation among 1,000 enterprises each year. With a focus on promoting digital transformation of the manufacturing industry and enhancing the digital capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises, we will make efforts to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. In the first quarter, investment in technological transformation grew 43.9%. On the other hand, we will create new engines for revitalization. We will implement plans for developing strategic emerging industries and future industries. In the first quarter, the output of high-end equipment, aerospace, and electronic information all experienced double-digit growths.

Third, we will prioritize the development of talent. We will improve the working mechanism for talent cultivation, as part of the efforts to support the development of new quality productive forces. We will work to ensure that the effect of policies is fully unleashed. Guided by the 60 measures for talent revitalization, we will continue to issue supporting documents to fully remove the barriers in talent cultivation, recruiting, and employment. The province has seen the number of its skilled individuals grow by over 260,000 in less than two years. Moreover, the previous trend of people with senior professional titles leaving universities in the province has reversed, with an influx of such individuals now returning to these institutions. We will continue to stimulate the vitality of talent and deepen the reform of the talent system and mechanism concerning salary distribution and the transformation of sci-tech achievements. In addition, we will make good use of systems such as the "negative list" for scientific research funding. We will step up efforts to turn talent into the primary driving force for innovation.

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