ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on achievements in Taiwan work and cross-Straits relations since the 18th CPC National Congress

Press conference on achievements in Taiwan work and cross-Strait relations since the 18th CPC National Congress | November 7, 2022

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Mr. Chen Yuanfeng, deputy director of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee

Mr. Ma Xiaoguang, director general of the Publicity Bureau and spokesperson of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee

Mr. Qiu Kaiming, director general of the Research Bureau of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee

Ms. Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee


Mr. Chen Wenjun, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee


Sept. 21, 2022

Chen Wenjun: 

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference. Today, we are holding the 35th press conference under the theme of China in the past decade. We have invited Mr. Chen Yuanfeng, deputy director of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee, to brief you on achievements in Taiwan work and cross-Strait relations since the 18th CPC National Congress and take your questions. Also joining us today are Mr. Ma Xiaoguang, director general of the Publicity Bureau and spokesperson of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee; Mr. Qiu Kaiming, director general of the Research Bureau of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee; and Ms. Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee.

Now, let's give the floor to Mr. Chen Yuanfeng for his introduction.

Chen Yuanfeng:

Friends from the press, let me begin by welcoming you to the press conference on work related to Taiwan. On behalf of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for your long-term care, concern and support. Now, I will briefly introduce the major achievements in Taiwan work and cross-Strait relations in the past 10 years, as well as the important experience we have drawn from that. 

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has pursued the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation amid profound global changes unseen in a century. With an accurate understanding of the changes at home and abroad, the CPC Central Committee has adopted innovative theories and measures in all respects on Taiwan-related work, continued to chart the course of cross-Strait relations, safeguard peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and promoted progress toward national reunification. General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward a series of new concepts, thoughts and strategies as well as major policies on Taiwan-related work. He published a series of important remarks and gave a series of important instructions, thus developing the Party's overall policy for solving the Taiwan question in the new era, and setting out the overarching guideline and a program of action. 

In the past decade, a historic breakthrough has been made in cross-Strait political exchanges. We have facilitated the first meeting and direct dialogue between leaders of the two sides since 1949, raising exchanges and interactions to new heights, which is a new milestone for cross-Strait relations. The departments in charge of cross-Strait affairs on both sides have established regular contact and communication mechanisms on a common political foundation, and the heads of the two departments have exchanged visits and set up hotlines.

In the past decade, a new dimension has been opened up in cross-Strait dialogue and negotiation. Upholding the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, the CPC and the Chinese government have facilitated exchanges between political parties across the Strait, and conducted dialogues, consultations and in-depth exchanges of views on cross-Strait relations and the future of the Chinese nation with relevant political parties, organizations and individuals in Taiwan. These efforts have resulted in consensus on multiple issues, and promoted a number of joint initiatives exploring the "two systems" solution to the Taiwan question with all sectors of Taiwan society.

Over the past decade, Taiwan compatriots on the Chinese mainland have gradually enjoyed equal treatment and development opportunities. Guided by the people-centered development philosophy and conviction that people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are of the same family, the CPC and the Chinese government have promoted peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and integrated development of the two sides for the benefit of both the mainland and Taiwan. We have also refined the institutional arrangements, policies and measures to promote cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation, designed to advance the well-being of Taiwan residents. These include electronic travel passes for Taiwan residents to enter or leave the mainland, the delivery of water from the coastal province of Fujian to Kinmen Island, residence permits for Taiwan residents, progressively ensuring that Taiwan compatriots have equal access to public services so as to facilitate their studying, starting businesses, working and living on the mainland, and an ongoing effort to pave the way for Taiwan to benefit first from the mainland's development opportunities.

Over the past decade, cross-Strait trade and Taiwan investment on the mainland have grown significantly. The volume of cross-Strait trade increased from $160.03 billion in 2011 to $328.34 billion in 2021, doubling in 10 years. Taiwan businesses had invested in 85,772 projects as of 2011, while in 2021 the number rose to 124,142, up by 44.7%. The mainland is the largest export market for Taiwan, the largest source of trade surplus, and the largest destination for Taiwan's off-island investment.

Over the past decade, cross-Strait people-to-people exchanges from all walks of life have continued to expand. While countering interference and obstruction from separatist forces, we have called on the people of Taiwan to promote effective and in-depth cooperation and people-to-people exchanges in various fields across the strait. We have held a number of exchange events such as the Straits Forum, Shanghai-Taipei City Forum, and Straits Youth Forum and maintained the momentum of cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation. In 2011, 7.1 million cross-Strait visits were made, of which 5.26 million trips were from Taiwan to the mainland. In 2019, the total number of cross-Strait visits reached 9 million, including over 6 million visits from Taiwan to the mainland. In the past three years, affected by COVID-19, online communication has become the main form of people-to-people interactions across the Strait, and the numbers of people participating in and covered by online communication are reaching new highs.

Over the past decade, we have been constantly strengthening opposition to Taiwan independence and advancing national reunification. We have been resolute in defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity and opposing separatist activities and external interference. We have safeguarded peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. We have taken lawful action against and effectively deterred separatist forces. We have handled Taiwan's external exchanges in a sound manner, and consolidated the international community's commitment to the one-China principle.

Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, work related to Taiwan has seen important progress in the past 10 years. These achievements made on the basis of acting on General Secretary Xi Jinping's important remarks on the work related to Taiwan are an important part of the historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country. This process has fully demonstrated that we must adhere to the Party's leadership and firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership in the work on Taiwan; we must adhere to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus; we must firmly oppose any separatist activities seeking "Taiwan independence" and never allow any individual or force to separate Taiwan from China; we must resolutely oppose foreign interference and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity; we must coordinate the resolution of the Taiwan question and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and resolutely advance the process of the reunification of China; we must strive for the well-being of all Chinese people, including those in Taiwan, and to realize the aspirations of all Chinese people for a better life; we must follow the principles of freeing the mind and seeking truth from facts to adopt new and innovative measures in relation to Taiwan; we must have the courage and skill to fight against any force that attempts to undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity or stands in the way of its reunification; and we must uphold extensive unity and solidarity to mobilize all factors to fight against any force that would divide the country, and pool strengths to make historic achievements in advancing national reunification.

Today, as China and the world experience profound changes, realizing China's complete reunification is facing new challenges. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. The time, momentum, and righteousness of reunification are on the side of the Chinese mainland. In the new era, our resolve to realize national reunification in the face of provocation from secessionists and external forces is even stronger. The trend of China's reunification cannot be altered by any disruptions or obstructions. We will follow the general guidelines of the CPC in solving the Taiwan question and the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee on work related to Taiwan. We will defeat separatism and external interference, make concrete efforts to promote peaceful cross-Strait relations, integrate the development of the two sides, and work toward national reunification. We will join hands with our compatriots in Taiwan to strive for national reunification and rejuvenation.

This is all of my opening remarks. Next, my colleagues and I are ready to answer your questions. Thank you.

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