ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on achievements in Taiwan work and cross-Straits relations since the 18th CPC National Congress

Press conference on achievements in Taiwan work and cross-Strait relations since the 18th CPC National Congress | November 7, 2022

Hong Kong Economic Herald:

People on both sides of the Strait are highly concerned about cross-Strait political exchanges. What achievements have relevant parties on both sides of the Strait achieved in safeguarding the common political foundation and conducting political exchanges in recent years? Thank you.

Qiu Kaiming:

Cross-Strait political exchanges have drawn attention on both sides of the Strait because this issue plays a pioneering and leading role in cross-Strait relations. We can see its importance in the white paper titled "The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era," which regards the realization of the first meeting and direct dialogue and communication between leaders across the Strait since 1949 as the first major measure for promoting work related to Taiwan under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping since the 18th CPC National Congress. Over the years, we have grasped the trend of the times and promoted cross-Strait political exchanges on the basis of staying committed to the 1992 Consensus and firmly opposing "Taiwan independence." The historic achievements that we have made are embodied in three aspects:

First is promoting a historic meeting between the leaders of the two sides of the Strait. On Nov. 7, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping, also president of China, met with then Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou. It was the first meeting between leaders of the two sides since 1949. Many reporters witnessed this historic moment. Both sides have reached consensus on the theme of promoting the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and national rejuvenation, consolidated and deepened the key position and role of the 1992 Consensus as the common political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, which has been widely affirmed and highly appraised by compatriots on both sides of the Strait and the international community. The cross-Strait leaders' meeting fully demonstrates the firmness and tactical flexibility of the Party Central Committee's principles and policies on the work related to Taiwan, and fully demonstrates that we have the initiative in the development of cross-Strait relations and the great goodwill to seek well-being for people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. We have shown the world that the Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have the wisdom and the ability to handle its own affairs.

Second is promoting the establishment of regular contact and communication mechanisms between the departments in charge of cross-Strait affairs on both sides of the Strait. In February 2014, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and Taiwan's mainland affairs council established a regular communication mechanism on the political basis of the 1992 Consensus. Heads of the two departments visited each other many times and opened hotlines, which raised the level of institutionalization of cross-Strait exchanges. Since the DPP came to power in 2016, it has turned its back on the 1992 Consensus that states both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one and the same China, which has undermined the political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and led to the suspension of this communication mechanism.

Third is maintaining exchanges with relevant parties in Taiwan and promoting cross-Strait democratic consultation. There are three aspects in this regard. Firstly, General Secretary Xi Jinping and other Party leaders have maintained contact with relevant parties, groups and representatives in Taiwan through meetings, correspondence and the like, so as to consolidate the common political foundation on both sides of the Strait and ensure the right direction of the development of cross-Strait relations. Secondly, we have jointly held the Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Culture Forum, the Cross-Strait Peaceful Development Forum, and dialogue and exchanges between the CPC and Kuomintang to exchange views and build consensus on important issues in the development of cross-Strait relations. In addition, we have conducted dialogues and consultations with representatives of political parties, groups and people from all walks of life in Taiwan and issued joint initiatives centering on cross-Strait relations and national rejuvenation. We have successively held the Hand in Hand to Realize Dreams: Cross-Strait Compatriots Exchange Seminar in Shanghai last year and in Beijing this year. We have united and led patriotic reunification forces and created an institutionalized platform for democratic consultation across the Strait, which played an important role in fighting against any force that would divide the country and promoting national reunification. Thank you.

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