ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on successful implementation of the One Country, Two Systems policy in Hong Kong and Macao since the 18th CPC National Congress

Press conference on successful implementation of 'one country, two systems' in Hong Kong and Macao since the 18th CPC National Congress | November 6, 2022

Phoenix TV:

Last year, the central government improved the HKSAR's electoral system and released a white paper titled "Hong Kong: Democratic Progress Under the Framework of One Country, Two Systems." Can you introduce the central government's stance on and attitude towards Hong Kong's democratic development? 

Wang Linggui:

Thank you for your question. Democracy is the common value of all humanity and an important philosophy that the CPC and the Chinese people uphold unswervingly. "One country, two systems" under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy is an important reflection of the CPC's democratic philosophy. After Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Hong Kong people can run their own region, marking the start of Hong Kong's true democracy.

The CPC designs, establishes, upholds, and promotes Hong Kong's democratic institutions and firmly supports the HKSAR to develop its democracy in an orderly manner in accordance with the law. However, Hong Kong confronted setbacks in its democratic development due to anti-China agitators' intended confrontation and harassment and exposed deficiencies and loopholes in its electoral system. The CPC Central Committee made resolute decisions to improve Hong Kong's electoral system in 2021. 

From the election of the Election Committee to the seventh-term Legislative Council (LegCo) election, to the sixth-term chief executive election, the three elections have demonstrated the distinctive features and advantages of the new electoral system. To be specific: First, it is a broadly representative electoral system. The composition of the Election Committee increased from 1,200 members to 1,500 members, and the LegCo seats from 70 to 90. It is unprecedented that candidates come from such diverse backgrounds. The second is political inclusiveness. Candidates who come from different political groups from across the political spectrum represent different political beliefs. Patriots of all stripes who administer Hong Kong represent the interests of all, rather than a certain political group. The third is balanced participation. The composition of the committee has been expanded from four to five subsectors. The LegCo members are from three groups of constituencies. Candidates for the office of the Chief Executive must be nominated by at least 188 members of the Election Committee and at least 15 members from each sector. The fourth is fair competition. Candidates compete with each other in their expertise, political program, vision, sense of responsibility, and contribution to garner the voters' support. The electoral activities are more rational, fair, and orderly. From the above characteristics, we have seen that the new electoral system can ensure that public opinion is reflected, the people's wisdom pooled, and the people's welfare achieved. It is a broad-based, genuine, and effective democratic system.

It can be seen from the above that the central government's position and attitude toward Hong Kong's democratic development have been very clearly reflected in the new electoral system and its successful practice. It should also be noted here that elections are not the whole of democracy. The HKSAR's democratic system is underpinned by the Chinese Constitution and the Basic Law of the HKSAR. The Constitution clarifies the constitutional responsibility of the central government to steer and determine the democratic development of the HKSAR. The Basic Law stipulates the main content of the democratic system of the HKSAR and the path and principles for its future development and provides Hong Kong residents with extensive democratic rights and freedoms. The democratic system of the HKSAR is in line with the principle of "one country, two systems" and the constitutional status of Hong Kong. It is conducive to safeguarding the democratic rights of Hong Kong residents and the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong with brighter prospects. Thank you.

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