Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on successful implementation of the One Country, Two Systems policy in Hong Kong and Macao since the 18th CPC National Congress
Beijing | 10 a.m. Sept. 20, 2022


Huang Liuquan, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council

Wang Linggui, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council


Chen Wenjun, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee

Read in Chinese


Mr. Huang Liuquan, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council

Mr. Wang Linggui, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council


Mr. Chen Wenjun, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)


Sept. 20, 2022

Chen Wenjun:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. Today, we are holding the 34th press conference under the theme of "China in the past decade." We have invited Mr. Huang Liuquan and Mr. Wang Linggui, deputy directors of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, to brief you on the successful implementation of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and Macao since the 18th CPC National Congress and take your questions.

Now, let's give the floor to Mr. Huang for his introduction.

Huang Liuquan:

Friends from the media, good morning. Thank you for your interest in and support for "one country, two systems" and the work related to Hong Kong and Macao. Alongside me at the press conference this morning is Mr. Wang Linggui. Before we take your questions, I would like to briefly introduce the implementation of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and Macao. 

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has unswervingly stayed true to the letter and spirit of the "one country, two systems" principle, proactively responded to the changes inside and outside Hong Kong and Macao, taken a series of measures to address both symptoms and root causes of the problems, and worked to ensure the ship of "one country, two systems" breaks the waves and forges ahead, thus achieving historic accomplishments and transformations.

First, the theory of "one country, two systems" has broken new ground. General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward a series of new concepts, new visions and new strategies for "one country, two systems" and the work related to Hong Kong and Macao, raising the Party's understanding of "one country, two systems" to new heights. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the fundamental purpose of "one country, two systems" is to safeguard China's sovereignty, security, and development interests and to maintain long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao; its top priority is to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and the more firmly the "one country" principle is upheld, the greater the strength of the "two systems" will unleash; the central government, in implementing the principle of "one country, two systems," will maintain two key points: first, the central government will remain resolute in implementing the principle, and will not change or vacillate in this stand; and second, the principle will be implemented precisely as it was originally intended; the rule of law must be maintained in Hong Kong and Macao, the central government's overall jurisdiction must be upheld while the special administrative regions' (SARs) high degree of autonomy must be secured, Hong Kong and Macao must be administered by patriots, and the distinctive status and advantages of Hong Kong and Macao must be maintained; the chief executives and the governments of the SARs in the driver's seats are the first to be held accountable for the governance of the regions; support will be provided to the SARs in their efforts to better integrate into the overall process of national development, and resolute actions will be taken to guard against and deter external interference in the affairs of Hong Kong and Macao; there is no reason to change the good policy of "one country, two systems," and it must be adhered to in the long run. These important statements of General Secretary Xi Jinping have enriched and developed the theory of "one country, two systems," provided fundamental guidance for the implementation of "one country, two systems" in the new era, and constitute the fundamental reason for the new achievements and developments in the work related to Hong Kong and Macao.

Second, the system of "one country, two systems" has been improved. With regard to the serious situation that occurred in Hong Kong, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, in its assessment of the situation then, reinforced the Party's centralized and unified leadership on the work related to Hong Kong and Macao; made the major decision of improving the exercise of the central government's overall jurisdiction over the SARs in accordance with the Constitution and the basic laws and improving the relevant systems and mechanisms of the two SARs for enforcing the Constitution and the basic laws; promoted the establishment and improvement of the legal systems and enforcement mechanisms for the two SARs to safeguard national security, the formulation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and the improvement of the electoral system of the HKSAR; and supported the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) in amending its law on safeguarding national security. All these have provided solid institutional safeguards for the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao as well as the steady implementation of "one country, two systems."

Third, Hong Kong and Macao have maintained their prosperity and stability. With strong support from the motherland, Hong Kong's economy has been thriving, and its status as an international financial, shipping and trading center has been maintained. Its innovative science and technology industries have been booming. Moreover, Hong Kong has remained one of the most free and open economies in the world, and has also maintained a world-class business environment. Its laws, including the common law, have been maintained and developed. Hong Kong has been ranked the world's freest economy more than 20 times in a row, and has long been ranked as one of the most competitive economies in the world. In addition, Hong Kong has ranked first for multiple times for total funds raised among the global Initial Public Offering (IPO) markets in the past decade. Greater efforts have been made in Macao to build "one center, one platform and one base" (namely a world center of tourism and leisure, a commercial and trade cooperation service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, and a base for exchange and cooperation where Chinese culture is the mainstream and diverse cultures coexist). Macao's efforts to appropriately diversify its economy have delivered early results. The rapid economic growth, improvement of people's well-being, and beautiful scenery of the city, highlight the remarkable achievements Macao has made in economic and social development. Facing the severe impact of the pandemic, the governments of the Hong Kong and Macao SARs, with the support of the central government, have adopted proactive and effective measures to mitigate difficulties for their peoples and promote economic recovery over the past more than two years. As a result, the SARs have been able to overcome difficulties, and make progress in all areas of their endeavors. 

Fourth, Hong Kong and Macao have accelerated their integration into the country's overall development. Significant achievements have been made in development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) which was planned, deployed and advanced by General Secretary Xi Jinping. For example, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and multiple ports have been put into operation. Efforts have been stepped up to establish major cooperation platforms in Hengqin (an island in Zhuhai city), Qianhai (a special cooperation zone in Shenzhen city) and Nansha (a district in Guangzhou city). Greater efforts have been made to synergize rules and mechanisms in the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao. The flow of production factors across borders has been accelerated. In addition, policies and measures have been improved to make it convenient for people from Hong Kong and Macao to develop their careers on the mainland. In the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Hong Kong and Macao have been serving as an important bridge and window between the Chinese mainland and the rest of the world. As a result, they have made irreplaceable contributions to the country's economic miracle marked by long-term, stable and rapid growth. 

As the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao have become more connected and more extensive exchanges and close cooperation have been carried out, greater patriotism and a stronger sense of national identity have been fostered among the people in Hong Kong and Macao. Hardships and challenges have made the people in Hong Kong and Macao aware that they have always maintained a close bond with the motherland in weal and woe. The ranks of patriots who love both the country and their regions have been strengthened. The mainstream values, which are characterized by love of both the motherland and Hong Kong and Macao and conform with the principle of "one country, two systems," have enjoyed growing popularity. Hundreds of thousands of young people from Hong Kong and Macao are studying, working and living on the mainland, writing a rewarding chapter in their lives with a stronger sense of national pride and awareness of their status as masters of the country. 

That's all for my introduction. Thank you. 


Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Mr. Huang. Now, the floor is open for questions. Please identify the media outlet you represent before asking questions.


The successful practice of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and Macao has been an important part of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. What new progress and achievements have been made in the practice of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and Macao over the past decade?

Huang Liuquan:

Thank you for your question. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, new progress and achievements in the practice of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and Macao have been made in various areas. I'd like to make an introduction focusing on the following three aspects:

First, in the Hong Kong and Macao SARs, the constitutional order based on the Constitution and the respective basic laws has been maintained in a sound manner, and the governance system has been improved. The central government's overall jurisdiction over the SARs has been well implemented, and a high degree of autonomy in the SARs has been exercised as it should be. The Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has been formulated and enforced, and the Macao SAR is set to amend its law on safeguarding national security. We have been committed to safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests. We have materialized the principle that Hong Kong and Macao should be administered by patriots, and improved Hong Kong's electoral system. Efforts have been made to ensure the democratic system of the SARs conforms to the principle of "one country, two systems" and the SARs' constitutional status, and is in the interest of residents' democratic rights in Hong Kong and Macao, as well as their prosperity and stability. Hong Kong and Macao residents can enjoy extensive rights and freedom in accordance with the law.

Second, the Hong Kong and Macao SARs have overcome various hardships and challenges and are advancing steadily. Despite adverse changes in the external environment, the severe COVID-19 epidemic and social unrest, Hong Kong and Macao have continued to develop. From the perspective of Hong Kong, its status as an international financial, shipping and trading center and an international civil aviation hub has been further consolidated and improved. Positive progress has been made in constructing a global innovation and technology center, an international legal and dispute resolution service center in the Asia-Pacific region, a regional intellectual property trade center, and a Sino-foreign cultural and art exchange center. From the perspective of Macao, its economy has developed rapidly, with its per capita GDP ranking among the top in the world. It has seen the booming growth of emerging industries including conventions and exhibitions, traditional Chinese medicine, specialized financial services, and cultural and creative industries. Macao's economic diversification has achieved initial results. The Hong Kong and Macao SARs have made overall progress in social undertakings such as education, science and technology, medical and health care, culture, and sports. They have continuously expanded exchanges with other countries, and significantly increased their international impact.

Third, while leveraging complementary advantages and seeking common development with the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao have accelerated their integration into the remarkable journey toward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Hong Kong and Macao have actively integrated themselves into the overall national development, proactively dovetailed themselves with the national development strategies, comprehensively expanded exchange and cooperation with the mainland, and continuously improved the mechanism in this regard. They have given full play to the advantages of a high degree of openness and aligned themselves with international rules. In doing so, they have played an important role in raising China's opening up to a higher level with broader coverage and scope. Hong Kong has always been the largest source of foreign capital, the largest destination for foreign investment, and the largest transit trade port for the Chinese mainland. Macao has become an essential platform for China's two-way opening up, especially for economic and trade exchanges with Portuguese-speaking countries. In the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Hong Kong and Macao have made and will continue to make significant contributions. Thank you.


People's Daily:

The 19th CPC Central Committee adopted at its fourth plenary session the Resolution on Upholding and Improving the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics and Modernizing China's System and Capacity for Governance. It proposes that we will uphold and improve the system of "one country, two systems." What specific progress has been made in this regard? Thank you.

Wang Linggui:

Hong Kong and Macao have been reintegrated into China's governance system since they returned to the motherland. Upholding and implementing "one country, two systems," maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao, and promoting the peaceful reunification of China are notable strengths of China's state governance system.

The central government has always unswervingly, fully and faithfully implemented the principle of "one country, two systems." That is to say, the central government will remain resolute in implementing the principle and will not change or fluctuate in this stance. Moreover, the principle will be implemented as it was initially intended. The central government has always adhered to law-based governance in Hong Kong and Macao, upholding the constitutional order established by the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the basic laws of the two SARs and improving the systems and mechanisms related to the implementation of the Constitution and the basic laws. We must both adhere to the "one country" principle and respect the differences between the "two systems." We must ensure both the central government's overall jurisdiction over the Hong Kong and Macao SARs and a high degree of autonomy in the two regions. We must both give full play to the role of the mainland as a staunch supporter of Hong Kong and Macao and enhance their own competitiveness.

For a time, the situation in Hong Kong was grim due to complex factors at home and abroad and rampant activities of destabilizing anti-China forces in the region. The CPC Central Committee has stressed that we must maintain our firm commitment to the letter and spirit of the "one country, two systems" principle, and uphold and improve its system. In accordance with the top-level design and overall plan made at the fourth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, China has adopted the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) with resolve, fundamentally closing the systematic loopholes and marking an important milestone in the practice of "one country, two systems." We have established the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR according to the law, guided the setting up of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR and the designation of National Security Advisers for the committee, and authorized Macao's Committee for Safeguarding National Security to retain national security affairs advisers and national security technical advisers. We have systematically improved the electoral system in the HKSAR, laying a solid institutional foundation for safeguarding the security of the political power of the HKSAR and establishing a high-quality democratic system with Hong Kong characteristics. We have further improved the institutional mechanism by which the chief executive of the HKSAR is responsible to the central government. We support Hong Kong and Macao in their efforts to deeply dovetail themselves with the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and other national strategies involving the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA and high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. We support both regions as they grow their economies, improve people's lives and foster greater patriotism and stronger national consciousness among the people in the two regions. We resolutely prevent and contain external forces' interference in the affairs of Hong Kong and Macao and their separation, subversion, infiltration and sabotage activities. Through these important measures, we have upheld and improved the institutional system of "one country, two systems," laying a solid foundation for governing Hong Kong and Macao according to law and promoting the implementation of "one country, two systems" in a sound and sustained manner. 

Thank you.



Over recent years, the central government has repeatedly stressed the need to fully and faithfully implement the principle of "one country, two systems" and ensure that patriots administer Hong Kong and Macao. How should this be understood? Thank you.

Wang Linggui:

Thank you for your question. The principle of "one country, two systems" embodies a complete system. Fully and faithfully implementing this principle requires an accurate understanding of the relation between "one country” and "two systems." Its top priority is safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests. With this being ensured, Hong Kong and Macao can keep their previous capitalist systems unchanged for a long time and enjoy a high degree of autonomy. Since the socialist system is the fundamental system of the People's Republic of China and leadership by the CPC is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics, all residents in the two SARs should willingly respect and uphold the country's fundamental system. The central government's overall jurisdiction over the SARs underpins their high degree of autonomy, and such autonomy bestowed by the law is fully respected and resolutely safeguarded by the central government. The more firmly the "one country" principle is upheld, the greater the strength of the "two systems" can be unleashed for the development of the SARs.

It is a universal political rule that a government must be in the hands of patriots. There is no country or region in the world where its people will allow an unpatriotic or even treasonous force or figure to take power. The principle that patriots should administer Hong Kong and Macao is an essential requirement for Hong Kong's and Macao's long-term prosperity and stability, as well as safeguarding the immediate interests of the people in both regions. The governance teams of the SARs must be patriots who stand firm, take on responsibility, care for the people, and have the power to inspire a sense of responsibility. In addition, everyone in Hong Kong and Macao, regardless of profession and belief, can be a positive force and do their bit for the region's development. But they must genuinely support the principle of "one country, two systems," love Hong Kong and Macao, and abide by the Basic Law and other laws of the two SARs. Thank you.


Lianhe Zaobao:

China enforced the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in 2020 to maintain stability in Hong Kong. Some opinions argue that Hong Kong is becoming similar to the mainland, which would affect its position as an international financial center. Notably, after the outbreak of the pandemic, Hong Kong's connectivity with the rest of the world has been influenced by its connection with the mainland. What is your take on that? Thank you. 

Huang Liuquan:

I think upholding national security is common practice for all countries in the world, and not a single country would tolerate deeds and opinions to overturn its national political power and split the country. All countries worldwide have their own national security laws. If you read the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), you will understand that there is no difference between the law and national security laws of other countries, with the same purpose and content. Therefore, in my view, it is alarmist and politically biased to say that Hong Kong would become similar to the mainland's system because of the enforcement of the law in Hong Kong. Fact proves that after its enforcement, Hong Kong has restored an orderly rule of law, safe lives for the Hong Kong people, and a sound business environment. A poll showed that 71.9% of respondents believed that the enforcement of the law bolstered their confidence in Hong Kong's practice of "one country, two systems."

In his speech at the meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, President Xi Jinping highlighted that "we must maintain Hong Kong's distinctive status and advantages." The central government and the Hong Kong people cherish Hong Kong's distinctive advantages in relying on the motherland and connecting the world. Both support Hong Kong in consolidating its position as an international financial, shipping, and trade center. Both champion a free, open, and standard business environment, maintain the common law, and expand smooth and convenient international connectivity. We believe that no matter what others say, Hong Kong will dazzle the world with its enormous vitality as an international metropolis. 

As for the question you asked about connectivity against the backdrop of the pandemic, my opinion is that the rampant global pandemic has exerted a profound influence and has changed the way the world connects each other, and Hong Kong is not immune to that. I noticed that the new term of the government of the HKSAR reiterated many times after its inauguration that connecting with the rest of the world and achieving customs clearance between the mainland and Hong Kong are compatible. The HKSAR coordinates epidemic prevention and control and socio-economic development and improves its epidemic prevention and control measures according to the epidemic development of Hong Kong and the rest of the world as well as Hong Kong's conditions. I think the adjustments made by the HKSAR are justified and should not be over-interpreted. 

Thank you.


Phoenix TV:

Last year, the central government improved the HKSAR's electoral system and released a white paper titled "Hong Kong: Democratic Progress Under the Framework of One Country, Two Systems." Can you introduce the central government's stance on and attitude towards Hong Kong's democratic development? 

Wang Linggui:

Thank you for your question. Democracy is the common value of all humanity and an important philosophy that the CPC and the Chinese people uphold unswervingly. "One country, two systems" under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy is an important reflection of the CPC's democratic philosophy. After Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Hong Kong people can run their own region, marking the start of Hong Kong's true democracy.

The CPC designs, establishes, upholds, and promotes Hong Kong's democratic institutions and firmly supports the HKSAR to develop its democracy in an orderly manner in accordance with the law. However, Hong Kong confronted setbacks in its democratic development due to anti-China agitators' intended confrontation and harassment and exposed deficiencies and loopholes in its electoral system. The CPC Central Committee made resolute decisions to improve Hong Kong's electoral system in 2021. 

From the election of the Election Committee to the seventh-term Legislative Council (LegCo) election, to the sixth-term chief executive election, the three elections have demonstrated the distinctive features and advantages of the new electoral system. To be specific: First, it is a broadly representative electoral system. The composition of the Election Committee increased from 1,200 members to 1,500 members, and the LegCo seats from 70 to 90. It is unprecedented that candidates come from such diverse backgrounds. The second is political inclusiveness. Candidates who come from different political groups from across the political spectrum represent different political beliefs. Patriots of all stripes who administer Hong Kong represent the interests of all, rather than a certain political group. The third is balanced participation. The composition of the committee has been expanded from four to five subsectors. The LegCo members are from three groups of constituencies. Candidates for the office of the Chief Executive must be nominated by at least 188 members of the Election Committee and at least 15 members from each sector. The fourth is fair competition. Candidates compete with each other in their expertise, political program, vision, sense of responsibility, and contribution to garner the voters' support. The electoral activities are more rational, fair, and orderly. From the above characteristics, we have seen that the new electoral system can ensure that public opinion is reflected, the people's wisdom pooled, and the people's welfare achieved. It is a broad-based, genuine, and effective democratic system.

It can be seen from the above that the central government's position and attitude toward Hong Kong's democratic development have been very clearly reflected in the new electoral system and its successful practice. It should also be noted here that elections are not the whole of democracy. The HKSAR's democratic system is underpinned by the Chinese Constitution and the Basic Law of the HKSAR. The Constitution clarifies the constitutional responsibility of the central government to steer and determine the democratic development of the HKSAR. The Basic Law stipulates the main content of the democratic system of the HKSAR and the path and principles for its future development and provides Hong Kong residents with extensive democratic rights and freedoms. The democratic system of the HKSAR is in line with the principle of "one country, two systems" and the constitutional status of Hong Kong. It is conducive to safeguarding the democratic rights of Hong Kong residents and the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong with brighter prospects. Thank you.


Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily:

Recently, Hong Kong was once again rated as the world's freest economy among 165 economies, according to the Economic Freedom of the World 2022 Annual Report released by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank. However, the report also said that after the national security law was promulgated and implemented, it had a certain impact on the degree of economic freedom. What is your response to this? Thank you.

Huang Liuquan:

I saw the report you just mentioned, and there have been other similar reports involving Hong Kong during the past period of time. Judging by these reports, Hong Kong's status as the world's freest economy and the most competitive region has been widely recognized by the international community, which shows that the international community has always commended Hong Kong's unique status and advantages and has always been confident in Hong Kong's development. 

As I said just now, the main purpose of implementing the national security law in Hong Kong is to restore the rule of law and order in Hong Kong, and bring its development back on the right track so as to maintain Hong Kong's market and investment environment, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors from all over the world in Hong Kong. It is hard to imagine how it is possible to create a good business environment if rioting, smashing, looting, and burning are rampant. 

In just two years following the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Hong Kong citizens' confidence and the global capital's confidence in Hong Kong have continued to rise. International institutions and the business community have positively evaluated Hong Kong's business environment. We have also seen Hong Kong rose to third place in the Global Financial Centres Index. The total value of Hong Kong's asset and wealth management had reached HK$35.55 trillion by the end of 2021, which was 20% up compared with the amount at the end of 2019. Hong Kong banks' deposits exceeded HK$15 trillion in July this year, an increase of 8.5% from the days before the implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong. In March this year, the International Monetary Fund praised the stability of Hong Kong's financial system and again recognized Hong Kong's status as a major international financial center. In addition, we have also seen more buoyant enterprise activities in Hong Kong. This also shows that Hong Kong's business environment and economic freedom have not been undermined. I would like to share with you some data on corporate activities. In 2021, the number of companies in Hong Kong whose parent company is in the Chinese mainland and overseas reached 9,049, a record high. In the first half of 2022, a total of 50,087 companies were established in Hong Kong, and the number of new companies increased steadily. These facts fully demonstrate that the law on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong will not undermine Hong Kong's economic freedom, but instead provide a very solid legal guarantee for Hong Kong to maintain prosperity and stability and consolidate its competitive advantages.

Thank you.


South China Morning Post:

Has the central government noticed or become concerned about an "emigration wave" in Hong Kong? In the past year, more than 110,000 local residents left Hong Kong, and the city's population dropped by 1.6%. Many of them left by joining the immigration programs launched by foreign countries for Hong Kong residents. Meanwhile, some foreign talents also chose to leave Hong Kong. What is the central government's expectation for the current chief executive to keep local and foreign talents staying in Hong Kong? Thank you.

Huang Liuquan:

Thank you for your questions. I have also seen such reports from Hong Kong media recently, and many are paying attention to the so-called "emigration wave." The data you mentioned above was also cited by Hong Kong media and attracted my curiosity. I later found these figures were cited from a report released by Hong Kong's Census and Statistics Department. Here, I would like to share with you the detailed numbers.

According to the report, the provisional estimate of the Hong Kong population was 7.2916 million in mid-2022. Among them, 7.1819 million were usual residents and 109,700 were mobile residents. From mid-2021 to mid-2022, 18,300 people settled in Hong Kong with One-way Permits, while 113,200 Hong Kong residents left the city, which is what you just mentioned. Besides, new births and deaths were 35,100 and 61,600 during the period, respectively. According to the above data, we cannot conclude that the reduction of the Hong Kong population was due to an emigration wave, as there are many other factors contributing to the decrease. As a spokesperson from the HKSAR government explained, "there is no direct statistical figure on emigrants. As an international hub, Hong Kong has high population mobility all the time. Over the past decade, Hong Kong residents, excluding One-way Permit holders, have seen a net outflow in most years." Therefore, according to the demographic data released by the HKSAR government and the spokesperson's explanation, it's not appropriate to conclude that there emerged an emigration wave in Hong Kong.

At present, Hong Kong has been in a critical stage from chaos to order and prosperity, and Hong Kong society is full of expectations for the city's future development. The central government will stay committed to supporting wider and closer communication and cooperation between Hong Kong, the mainland, and the rest of the world. I also noted that the spokesperson of the HKSAR government has actively responded to the concerns from all walks of life, saying that "the HKSAR government will continue to encourage talented people both at home and abroad to settle in Hong Kong and facilitate mobility of talented people in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA." The HKSAR government is taking active measures to attract talents to the city. Therefore, I believe that Hong Kong's highly free, open, and well-regulated business environment, its smooth and convenient communication with the rest of the world, its common law system and low tax policy, the fusion of Western and Chinese cultures there, and in particular, its geographical advantages manifested in its close connection with the world market and the strong support from the motherland, will surely attract more talent to realize their aspirations in Hong Kong. Thank you.



Thank you, a question from Bloomberg. If a decision to extend "one country, two systems" past 2047 in Hong Kong was made, what would such an extension mean for Hong Kong's future? Thank you.

Wang Linggui:

Thank you very much for your question. Unswervingly, comprehensively, and accurately implementing "one country, two systems" is China's unchanging policy. On July 1 this year, in his address at the meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly announced to the world, "There is no reason for us to change such a good policy, and we must adhere to it in the long run!" If Hong Kong, Macao, and the international community had any doubts in this regard before, this speech by the general secretary on July 1 gave the final word, and all those worries and discussions no longer persist.

"One country, two systems" is a great innovation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is the best system for Hong Kong and Macao to maintain long-term prosperity and stability after returning to the motherland. As an unprecedented great undertaking, the system of "one country, two systems" has morphed from a science-based vision 40 years ago and been implemented proactively. The system has been fully put into practice and continuously enriched and improved, overcoming a series of challenges and risks, and achieving a universally recognized success. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the helm and guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, we have pushed Hong Kong to achieve a major transition from chaos to governance, and Macao has maintained a stable and sound development. The practice for more than two decades has fully proved that "one country, two systems" is a good system that is applicable, achievable, and favorable.

At present, China's national rejuvenation has become a historical inevitability of great significance, and promoting the successful practice of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and Macao is an important part of this historic process. We believe that with the firm backing of the motherland and the solid guarantee provided by "one country, two systems," Hong Kong and Macao will surely create splendid feats on the journey ahead toward China's second centenary goal and will share the glory of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation together with people in the rest of the country!

Thank you.


Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group:

From disarray to good governance, Hong Kong is entering a new phase of becoming more prosperous. The people of Hong Kong are eagerly looking forward to the practical solutions to the problems regarding people's wellbeing that range from land and housing to the extreme disparity between the rich and the poor, and to the development of youth. What measures will the central government take to support and help Hong Kong address these problems? Thank you.

Wang Linggui:

General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the vital interests of Hong Kong citizens. In his important address at the meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, General Secretary Xi Jinping especially emphasized that "Currently, the biggest aspiration of Hong Kong people is to lead a better life, in which they will have more decent housing, more opportunities for starting their own businesses, better education for their children, and better care in their twilight years." General Secretary Xi Jinping hopes that the newly inaugurated HKSAR government should be "pragmatic, live up to what the people expect of it, and consider the expectations of the whole society, particularly ordinary citizens, as what it should accomplish foremost. It should be more courageous and adopt more efficient measures to overcome difficulties and forge ahead. It should make sure that all citizens in Hong Kong share more fully and fairly the fruits of development." General Secretary Xi Jinping further pointed out that we must "help young people with their difficulties in studies, employment, entrepreneurship, and purchasing of housing, so that more opportunities will be created for their development and accomplishment."

We are very pleased to see that the new HKSAR government has started to take action, setting up the Steering Committee on Land and Housing Supply and Task Force on Public Housing Projects to comprehensively promote the speed, efficiency, and the quantity of land and housing work through a multi-pronged approach. The HKSAR government also set up the Task Force to Lift Underprivileged Students out of Intergenerational Poverty and the District Matters Co-ordination Task Force, helping young people strive for upward mobility. These measures show the determination and the taking of responsibility to solve these problems. According to a recent poll released by The Society for Community Organization (SoCO) in Hong Kong, more than 80% of the surveyed grassroots citizens believe that the new HKSAR government can achieve the central government's hope that it should actively respond to those aspirations from the people.

Meanwhile, we should see that the people's concerns and difficulties in daily life that you mentioned have built up over a long period of time. It is impossible to resolve these problems in one move or with a one-size-fits-all solution. While pursuing development, we will do our utmost to address them. Going forward, the central authorities will continue to fully support Hong Kong in its efforts to seize historic opportunities offered by China's development and actively dovetail itself with the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and other national strategies such as the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA and high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. The central authorities will also fully support Hong Kong in leveraging its unique advantages to carry out more extensive exchanges and close cooperation with the rest of the world, and in taking active yet prudent steps to advance reforms in order to unlock the enormous creativity and development potential of Hong Kong society. 

We believe, under the firm support of the central authorities and the sound governance of the chief executive and the government of the HKSAR in the driver's seat, the first levels to be held accountable for the governance of the region, the people of Hong Kong will work hard and devote themselves to building Hong Kong into a better home, therefore creating a better and happy future. Thank you. 


Chen Wenjun:

Two more questions.

Macao Daily:

Due to the impact of COVID-19, Macao has faced multiple difficulties in development. How will the central authorities help Macao overcome these difficulties? The central authorities always support the development of an appropriately diversified economy in Macao. Regarding this, what progress has been made? Thank you. 

Huang Liuquan:

The COVID-19 pandemic is still spreading and severely impacting the social and economic development of countries all over the world. Macao cannot stay immune to the impact either. Due to the pandemic, people from all walks of life in Macao have a more sober awareness of the existing problems in the local economic structure and deeper understanding of the development direction set by the central authorities for Macao.

The central authorities always attach great importance to and unremittingly promote the development of an appropriately diversified economy in Macao. In December 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at a gathering in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. He pointed out, "What is particularly important is to ensure good collaboration with Zhuhai in developing Hengqin, which will create immense space and new momentum for Macao's long-term development." In September 2021, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council released the general plan for building a Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin, marking how we have comprehensively implemented and accelerated the building of the zone into a new phase. Through a year, initial outcomes have been accomplished. The relevant departments of the central authorities and the Guangdong provincial government have launched specific measures regarding different fields such as industries, science and technology, human resources, and finance. Under the firm support of the central authorities, the Macao SAR will continue to appropriately diversify its economy. In my opening statement, I said that the proportion of emerging industries like conventions and exhibitions, traditional Chinese medicine, special financial products and services, and cultural and creative industry in the GDP of Macao has continued to rise. The strategic position of Macao as "one center, one platform, and one base" has been basically put in place. Macao has ramped up efforts to develop itself into a world tourism and leisure center, and is well-known as a Creative City of Gastronomy. It has achieved fruitful results in building itself as a service platform for economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, and has made steady progress in becoming a base for exchanges and cooperation where Chinese culture is the mainstream and diverse cultures coexist. 

Just as you said, Macao has encountered some difficulties and challenges in its social and economic development in the past few years due to the epidemic. However, its positive economic fundamentals remain unchanged. We believe that, under the strong support of the central authorities and the firm leadership of the chief executive and the government of the Macao SAR, Macao can give better play to its unique advantages, make more achievements in driving economic growth, and improve people's wellbeing. In response to the requests of the Macao SAR, the relevant departments of the central authorities will actively formulate policies and measures to support Macao's tourism growth and accelerate the building of the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.

Thank you. 


Xinhua News Agency:

What measures has the central government taken to support Hong Kong and Macao in integrating into the overall development of the country and particularly in participating in the high-quality development of the GBA? What achievements have been secured? What other measures will be taken in the future? Thank you.

Huang Liuquan:

Developing the GBA is a new measure to promote the cultivation of a new landscape of comprehensive opening-up in China in the new era and a new practice to advance the cause of "one country, two systems." One of the vital purposes of developing the GBA proposed by the central government is to further support Hong Kong and Macao's integration into the overall national development, improve the well-being of compatriots in the two SARs, and maintain long-term prosperity and stability there.

In 2019, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Three years into the implementation of the outline, remarkable achievements have been secured in the GBA development with the joint efforts of relevant central departments as well as Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. First, the development of major cooperation platforms has been accelerated. The Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin has innovated a new system of shared growth through consultation, collaboration, and joint management and formulated 12 kinds of channels to align rules and mechanisms. Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone has coordinated space expansion and policy coverage expansion. The demonstration zone for comprehensive cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Guangzhou's Nansha district has seen its functions constantly improved, with nearly 3,000 enterprises from Hong Kong and Macao settling there. Second, steady progress has been made in building an international center for technology and innovation. The framework for the Greater Bay Area International Center for Technology and Innovation has taken shape, with the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong sci-tech innovation corridor, Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao sci-tech innovation corridor, Shenzhen Hetao innovation center, and Zhuhai Hengqin innovation center as the mainstays. We call them "two corridors" and "two centers." The Greater Bay Area Association of Academicians has been established in Hong Kong. Cooperation has been deepened between the Chinese mainland and the 20 key national laboratories of Hong Kong and Macao in brain science, smart cities, the Internet of Things, and other fields with distinctive strengths. Third, new breakthroughs have been made in connectivity between Hong Kong, Macao, and the Chinese mainland. The development of world-class airport and port clusters and a new type of infrastructure system in the GBA has been accelerated. The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed railway and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge have entered operation. The development of the "Greater Bay Area on rail" has continued, and it now basically takes around one hour to move among major cities in the GBA. The cross-border flow of personnel, vehicles, goods, funds, and other production factors has become more efficient and convenient. Liantang Port/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point, new Hengqin Port, and Qingmao Checkpoint have been opened successively. Convenient customs clearance models, including co-location arrangement, as well as "joint boundary control system," have been implemented. Fourth, policies and measures to facilitate the development of people from Hong Kong and Macao on the mainland have continued to be improved. The scope of mutual qualification recognition in professional fields between Hong Kong, Macao, and the mainland has been gradually expanded. Policies supporting Hong Kong and Macao youth in their employment, entrepreneurship, and exchanges on the mainland have been refined. The service system for the people of Hong Kong and Macao to live on the mainland has been improved, making it more convenient for them to get elderly care and be covered by the social security system on the mainland.

Going forward, relevant central authorities will continue to support Hong Kong and Macao in leveraging their unique strengths and roll out more effective measures to accelerate the development of the Greater Bay Area International Center for Technology and Innovation, the integrated development of the GBA market, and the construction of major GBA cooperation platforms. Thank you.

Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Mr. Huang, Mr. Wang, and friends from the press. That's all for today's press conference. 

Translated and edited by Wang Qian, Xu Xiaoxuan, Zhang Liying, Gong Yingchun, Zhou Jing, Duan Yaying, Liu Jianing, Wang Yiming, Wang Yanfang, Zhang Tingting, Zhang Rui, Ma Yujia, Zhang Junmian, Yan Bin, Liu Sitong, Wang Wei, Li Huiru, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Tom Arnstein. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.