ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on successful implementation of the One Country, Two Systems policy in Hong Kong and Macao since the 18th CPC National Congress

Press conference on successful implementation of 'one country, two systems' in Hong Kong and Macao since the 18th CPC National Congress | November 6, 2022

Xinhua News Agency:

What measures has the central government taken to support Hong Kong and Macao in integrating into the overall development of the country and particularly in participating in the high-quality development of the GBA? What achievements have been secured? What other measures will be taken in the future? Thank you.

Huang Liuquan:

Developing the GBA is a new measure to promote the cultivation of a new landscape of comprehensive opening-up in China in the new era and a new practice to advance the cause of "one country, two systems." One of the vital purposes of developing the GBA proposed by the central government is to further support Hong Kong and Macao's integration into the overall national development, improve the well-being of compatriots in the two SARs, and maintain long-term prosperity and stability there.

In 2019, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Three years into the implementation of the outline, remarkable achievements have been secured in the GBA development with the joint efforts of relevant central departments as well as Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. First, the development of major cooperation platforms has been accelerated. The Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin has innovated a new system of shared growth through consultation, collaboration, and joint management and formulated 12 kinds of channels to align rules and mechanisms. Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone has coordinated space expansion and policy coverage expansion. The demonstration zone for comprehensive cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Guangzhou's Nansha district has seen its functions constantly improved, with nearly 3,000 enterprises from Hong Kong and Macao settling there. Second, steady progress has been made in building an international center for technology and innovation. The framework for the Greater Bay Area International Center for Technology and Innovation has taken shape, with the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong sci-tech innovation corridor, Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao sci-tech innovation corridor, Shenzhen Hetao innovation center, and Zhuhai Hengqin innovation center as the mainstays. We call them "two corridors" and "two centers." The Greater Bay Area Association of Academicians has been established in Hong Kong. Cooperation has been deepened between the Chinese mainland and the 20 key national laboratories of Hong Kong and Macao in brain science, smart cities, the Internet of Things, and other fields with distinctive strengths. Third, new breakthroughs have been made in connectivity between Hong Kong, Macao, and the Chinese mainland. The development of world-class airport and port clusters and a new type of infrastructure system in the GBA has been accelerated. The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed railway and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge have entered operation. The development of the "Greater Bay Area on rail" has continued, and it now basically takes around one hour to move among major cities in the GBA. The cross-border flow of personnel, vehicles, goods, funds, and other production factors has become more efficient and convenient. Liantang Port/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point, new Hengqin Port, and Qingmao Checkpoint have been opened successively. Convenient customs clearance models, including co-location arrangement, as well as "joint boundary control system," have been implemented. Fourth, policies and measures to facilitate the development of people from Hong Kong and Macao on the mainland have continued to be improved. The scope of mutual qualification recognition in professional fields between Hong Kong, Macao, and the mainland has been gradually expanded. Policies supporting Hong Kong and Macao youth in their employment, entrepreneurship, and exchanges on the mainland have been refined. The service system for the people of Hong Kong and Macao to live on the mainland has been improved, making it more convenient for them to get elderly care and be covered by the social security system on the mainland.

Going forward, relevant central authorities will continue to support Hong Kong and Macao in leveraging their unique strengths and roll out more effective measures to accelerate the development of the Greater Bay Area International Center for Technology and Innovation, the integrated development of the GBA market, and the construction of major GBA cooperation platforms. Thank you.

Chen Wenjun:

Thank you, Mr. Huang, Mr. Wang, and friends from the press. That's all for today's press conference. 

Translated and edited by Wang Qian, Xu Xiaoxuan, Zhang Liying, Gong Yingchun, Zhou Jing, Duan Yaying, Liu Jianing, Wang Yiming, Wang Yanfang, Zhang Tingting, Zhang Rui, Ma Yujia, Zhang Junmian, Yan Bin, Liu Sitong, Wang Wei, Li Huiru, David Ball, Jay Birbeck, and Tom Arnstein. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese texts, the Chinese version is deemed to prevail.

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