ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on the achievements of public security authorities in building a peaceful China at a higher level

Press conference on achievements of public security authorities in building a peaceful China at a higher level | August 11, 2022

Southern Metropolis Daily:

In the past decade, the public security system has been vigorously promoting standard law enforcement. What have been the main efforts in ensuring impartial, standard and civilized law enforcement? What substantive results have been achieved? Thank you.

Sun Maoli:

Public security organs are law enforcement organs in terms of their basic responsibilities. Therefore, law enforcement and case handling are public security organs' main responsibility and business as well as the basic means and method of performing services for the people. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, public security organs across the country have thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, firmly grasped the requirements that law must be enforced in a strict, standard, impartial, and civil manner, focused on the goal of achieving rule-of-law-based public security, and continued to deepen efforts to promote standard law enforcement.

First, the institutional framework for law enforcement is more improved and complete. In contributing to public security legislation in key areas, we worked with the legislature to formulate such important laws and regulations as the Anti-Terrorism Law and the Cybersecurity Law. At the same time, we continued to improve law enforcement norms and standardize law enforcement procedures. We revised and improved the provisions on the procedures for handling criminal and administrative cases by public security organs, and formulated detailed law enforcement rules and on-site law enforcement guidelines, providing clear and specific norms and procedures for law enforcement and case handling at the grassroots level and reducing the arbitrariness of law enforcement.

Second, law enforcement is supervised and managed more systematically and strictly. We continued to deepen the reform of the law enforcement supervision and management mechanism and strive to build a systematic, strict and efficient system. We deepened the reform of the system for accepting and filing cases, and promoted the unified review of key law enforcement links in criminal cases by the legal department of public security organs and their unified connection with the procuratorial organs. We implemented the legal personnel system in grassroots law enforcement units such as police stations to strengthen law enforcement and case handling quality control. We improved the coordination and supervision mechanism between public security organs and procuratorial organs and consciously accepted supervision in all aspects.

Third, law enforcement service guarantee is more intelligent and efficient. We have standardized the setting of case handling areas of all grassroots law enforcement sites such as police stations. At the same time, following the principles of pursuing safe, standard, intensive, intelligent and efficient operation, we have built one-stop law enforcement and case-handling management centers in public security organs at the city and county levels and integrated the guarantee of management and supervision services for law enforcement and case handling. Up to now, public security organs across the country have built 2,994 law enforcement and case-handling management centers, or 97.4% of the planned number. We have fully promoted online case handling so that law enforcement and case handling have become more standard, transparent and efficient while law enforcement supervision is more precise. Relying on information technology, we have established and improved the entire law enforcement process record system, and achieved traceability and retrospective management of the entire process of law enforcement activities.

Fourth, law enforcement capability has achieved remarkable progress. We carried out in-depth study, education and publicity on Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, strengthened education on the socialist idea of the rule of law, deepened real combat training among all policemen, organized textbook law enforcement training, and promoted law enforcement qualification exams, all in a bid to constantly improve the legal literacy of policemen and their ability to apply the law. Up to now, more than 1.9 million police officers still at work in public security organs across China have obtained basic law enforcement qualifications, and 60,000 have obtained advanced law enforcement qualifications. Thank you.

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