ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on the achievements of public security authorities in building a peaceful China at a higher level

Press conference on achievements of public security authorities in building a peaceful China at a higher level | August 11, 2022

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Sun Maoli, member of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS)

Wu Deqing, director general of the Personnel Training Bureau of the MPS

Qiu Baoli, director general of the Public Order Bureau of the MPS

Liu Zhongyi, director general of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the MPS

Wang Yingwei, director general of the Cybersecurity Bureau of the MPS

Li Jiangping, director general of the Traffic Management Bureau of the MPS


Shou Xiaoli, spokesperson of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)


July 25, 2022

Shou Xiaoli:

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to this press conference held by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. Today, we are holding the 17th press conference under the theme of "China in the past decade." We are joined by Mr. Sun Maoli, member of the Party Committee of the MPS; Mr. Wu Deqing, director general of the Personnel Training Bureau of the MPS; Mr. Qiu Baoli, director general of the Public Order Bureau of the MPS; Mr. Liu Zhongyi, director general of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the MPS; Mr. Wang Yingwei, director general of the Cybersecurity Bureau of the MPS; and Mr. Li Jiangping, director general of the Traffic Management Bureau of the MPS. They will brief you on the achievements of public security authorities in building a peaceful China at a higher level and answer your questions.

Now, let's give the floor to Mr. Sun for his introduction. 

Sun Maoli:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the press:

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, public security authorities across the country have further promoted the building of a peaceful China. We are focused on strengthening public participation and rule of law in social governance, and making social governance smarter and more specialized. We have worked to help people feel more satisfied, happier and more secure. The sense of security among the Chinese people has risen from 87.55% in 2012 to 98.62% in 2021, and has remained at a high level for the past 10 years. It is internationally acknowledged that China is one of the safest countries in the world.

First, we have unswervingly adhered to the Party's leadership as the fundamental principle of building a peaceful China. We have been loyal to the Party. We have increased our awareness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core and maintain alignment with the central Party leadership. We have stayed confident in the path, the theory, the system and the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have firmly upheld Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and upheld the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We have thoroughly implemented the decision-making and deployments of the Party Central Committee, and ensured that the Party exercises leadership in an all-round way in building a peaceful China. We are on the right track politically, and the political and institutional advantages can be leveraged to help build a peaceful China.

Second, we have unswervingly taken the safeguarding of national political security as the primary task of building a peaceful China. We have kept a close eye on the prominent political security risks and are focused on maintaining security of the state power and system, strictly guarding against and severely cracking down on acts of infiltration, subversion, disruption and sabotage by hostile forces at home and abroad. We have thoroughly implemented the Party's guideline for governing Tibet and Xinjiang in the new era, and stepped up the fight against terrorism and separatism. There have been no violent terrorist incidents in the country for more than five consecutive years. We have resolutely safeguarded the security and stability of Hong Kong and Macao, and promoted the realization of long-term stability in Hong Kong and Macao, and the steady and long-term implementation of "one country, two systems."

Third, we have unswervingly taken the maintenance of social stability as the primary goal of building a peaceful China. Playing the role as the main force in building a peaceful China, we have kept a close eye on major economic and financial risks. Since 2013, we have solved 908,000 cases of economic crime and recovered 477.46 billion yuan of economic losses. We have further promoted the protection of the Yangtze River, and earnestly safeguarded the national biological and ecological security. We have strengthened the management of railways, civil aviation, ports, shipping and road traffic, and effectively served the domestic and international dual circulation. We provide security services for major events such as the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, as well as the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics, all of which have been successful. We have put the people and their lives first and made every effort to prevent and control COVID-19. On ensuring stability on the six key fronts and security in the six key areas, we have introduced a series of measures to facilitate the people and enterprises in household registration, traffic control, immigration and overseas travel, among others. We have contributed to the achievement of the goal of helping 100 million people with rural household registration obtain urban residency ahead of schedule, and more than 100 million people enjoyed services such as taking driving tests, inspection of vehicles, and replacement of licenses, on an inter-provincial basis. 

Fourth, we have unswervingly pursued the protection of people's peaceful lives in building a peaceful China. We have cracked down hard on gang activities. Since 2018, a total of 16,600 gang-related criminal groups have been destroyed. The crackdown on organized crime and local gangs has been one of the campaigns that received people's support since the 19th CPC National Congress. We have maintained a tough stance against eight major types of criminal crimes. The number of registered cases in 2021 dropped by 64.4% compared with 2012. The homicide clearance rate reached 99%. China has long been ranked among the countries with the lowest murder rate in the world. We have focused on frequent cases related to pornography, gambling, drugs, theft, robbery, fraud, food, medicine and environment-related crimes and other crimes such as the abduction of women and children, and cracked major cases faster and more small cases. Since June 2021, the number of telecommunications and internet fraud crimes registered has decreased year-on-year for 12 consecutive months.

Fifth, we have unswervingly improved the crime prevention and control system to support the building of a peaceful China. We have built an integrated working mechanism featuring intelligent guidance, reasonable dispatch, prompt actions and attention to people's concerns. Supported by big data and smart technology, the crime prevention and control system has taken shape, covering all places, units and elements in the cities. We have pushed ahead with the building of "model cities" and 256,000 smart safe communities were built. We have launched campaigns to study from Fengqiao Police Station. We have created many models, such as "one comprehensive command room and two teams of police officers working in the communities and as law enforcers," "one police officer responsible for one district (grid)" and "one auxiliary police officer responsible for one administrative village under the police station's jurisdiction." A "three-dimensional grid" for crime prevention and control system at the grassroots level has taken shape. We have continued to deepen the building of peaceful campuses and hospitals. Compared with 2012, the number of school and hospital-related cases dropped significantly in 2021, and the number of related cases decreased by 38.4%.

Sixth, we stayed committed to safeguarding cybersecurity as part of the efforts to build a peaceful China. While upholding the principle that "cybersecurity is essential to national security," we have consistently conducted our special campaign to clean up the online environment. Since 2017, we have resolved 255,000 such cases and arrested 385,000 suspects. We have also implemented rules for the graded protection of cybersecurity and the critical information infrastructure security plans, engaged in cybersecurity supervision in accordance with the law, and safeguarded the security of critical information infrastructure, major networks, and data.

Seventh, we have stayed committed to deepening institutional reform in the police force as the drivers for building a peaceful China. By following the standards and requirements for improving combat effectiveness, we have deepened the institutional reform in the police force and improved our organizations, police categories, grassroots structure, and foundations. As a result, the reform has brought historical transformations, systematic reshaping, and holistic restructuring of the police force. We have improved the capacity to safeguard China's political security and social stability, laying a solid foundation for our efforts to fulfill our duties in the new era.

Eighth, we have stayed committed to building a police force as strong as iron in their belief, faith, discipline and sense of responsibility, which is the solid foundation for constructing a peaceful China. We have always considered the general requirements of loyalty to the Party, serving the people, impartial law enforcement, and strict discipline. We have strengthened the police force by following political principles and deepened reform to build a strong police force. We have improved practical training under actual combat conditions, exercised strict team management, and explored new ways to provide preferential treatment to the police force. The political ecosystem and the capabilities and disciplines of the police force have further improved. Over the past decade, more than 3,700 police officers have lost their lives and over 50,000 injured on their duties across the country. One person was posthumously awarded the national honorary title of "People's Hero," one person was awarded the title of "Reform Pioneer," one person was awarded the "July 1 Medal," and one was awarded the "August 1 Medal." Meanwhile, posthumously, nine individuals and one team were awarded the "Model of the Times," and a large number of police officers and teams were awarded provincial and ministerial-level honors. Individuals and teams were honored with more than 2.4 million and 240,000 awards respectively because of their services.

For the next step, the public security organs across the country will continue to follow Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, bear in mind the country's fundamental interests, and be loyal to their services and perform their responsibilities diligently. All of this will continue to contribute to the new chapter of China's miracle of long-term social stability and set the stage for the 20th CPC National Congress.

That's all for my introduction. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

The floor is now open for questions. Please identify the news organization you represent before raising your questions.

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