ㄑ Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee holds press conference on the achievements of public security authorities in building a peaceful China at a higher level

Press conference on achievements of public security authorities in building a peaceful China at a higher level | August 11, 2022

Cover News:

The recent Tangshan assault case has aroused widespread concern among the public. What has the MPS done following the incident? What future steps will you take in combating organized crime and rooting out local gangs to safeguard public security? Thank you.

Sun Maoli:

As you said, the Tangshan assault incident is a criminal case that caused a high degree of concern among society. I would like to invite Mr. Liu Zhongyi, director general of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the MPS, to introduce the work done following the incident.

Liu Zhongyi:

Thank you for your questions. The assault at the barbecue restaurant in Tangshan has attracted widespread attention and caused negative social impact. The MPS has attached great importance to it, promptly sending a working team and dispatching experts nationwide to guide investigation of the case. At present, the investigation is progressing smoothly, and the specific circumstances will be announced to the public.

We fully understand the great attention of the whole society to the investigation and handling of the case. Because of that, the task force has gone all out to carry out investigation on every clue of illegal and criminal activities involved so as to ensure that the facts are clear and the evidence is conclusive. Please believe that public security organs will thoroughly investigate the entire case and severely punish the crime in accordance with the law.

In response to issues of the crackdown on gang crimes and public security that the people are strongly concerned about, the public security organs nationwide, under the arrangement of the MPS, recently carried out the "100-Day Campaign" to crack down on illegal and criminal activities in summer, which is required by the task, the situation, and the people. Strictly cracking down on illegal and criminal activities that the people are strongly concerned about in accordance with the law enables the people to feel that safety is within reach and that protection is close by. We have been adhering to the policy of fiercely cracking down on crimes in accordance with the law. Not only should we solve major cases quickly, but we also solve more small cases. Not only should the campaign bring a deterrent effect, but it should also resolve issues effectively. Up to now, in the 100-day campaign to crack down on major crimes and reduce security risks this summer, criminal investigation departments have solved a total of 49,000 criminal cases of various types and arrested 72,000 criminal suspects, effectively maintaining the overall stability of public security.

At the same time, we will follow the arrangements and requirements of the CPC Central Committee and continue to crack down on organized crime and root out local criminal gangs on a regular basis. The Party Committee of the MPS has issued opinions of the MPS on regular crackdowns on gang crimes, which comprehensively summarized and solidified the experience and practices of the campaign, improved the working mechanism, and launched a series of campaigns in response to the new situations of gang crimes, focusing on cracking down on organized crimes in traditional areas such as "village tyrants," "sand tyrants," and "mine tyrants," and severely punishing organized criminal activities on internet, including those that involve loan traps and "naked chat" blackmail. Extensive action has been taken to carry out the campaign to catch "fishes that slip through the net" in an effort to hunt down criminal fugitives involved in organized crimes. Since the launch of the crackdown on gang crimes on a regular basis, public security organs have destroyed 249 gang-related organizations, 1,486 criminal groups, and arrested 22,000 criminal suspects, effectively consolidating the achievements of the campaigns.

Next, the public security organs will seize the opportunity of promoting and implementing the Anti-organized Crime Law and resolutely implement the decisions and plans made by the CPC Central Committee. We will create a new landscape in anti-organized crime in which we reshape the situation through crack down on crimes, combine punishment with prevention, make proactive efforts, actively detect crimes, make comprehensive crack downs, carry out targeted prevention and control, fight crimes in an integrated way, and cooperate efficiently so as to constantly enhance the rule of law, standardization, and professionalism in crackdown on gang crimes and to help people feel more satisfied, happier, and more secure. Thank you.

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