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SCIO briefing on the 4th Digital China Summit

On March 19, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media about the 4th Digital China Summit.  March 24, 2021

Guangming Daily:

Many aspects of Fujian's digital economy such as 5G, blockchain, AI, and big data have been well developed. What are the specialties of Fujian's digital economy? What industries will you focus on supporting next? 

Guo Ningning:

Thank you for your question. In 2019, Fujian became one of the six national-level pilot zones for innovation and development of the digital economy. We have carefully studied and made action plans for the pilot zone to speed up the development of digital infrastructure, digital industries, digital trade, and digital consumption, striving to contribute Fujian's experience and plans to China's digital economic development. The advantages of Fujian to develop its digital economy can be summarized into the following six aspects.

First, through the construction of platforms. Fujian is located in a core maritime silk road area and boasts several national-level platforms such as the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone, the Xiamen BRICS innovation base, the digital service export base, and the comprehensive cross-border e-commerce pilot zone. The various advantages of multiple platforms have greatly supported the innovative development of the digital economy. 

Second, through the development of industries. The output values of Fujian's key industries such as the Internet of Things and AI have all exceeded 100 billion yuan. Key digital parks such as the Digital Fujian Industrial Park, the Fuzhou Software Park, and the Xiamen Software Park have become large industry clusters and hubs for the innovative development of digital industries. 

Third, we have created channels. Fujian has opened several international logistics routes, such as Silk Road Sea Transport and Silk Road Air Transport as well as the China-Europe Railway Express, becoming an important link connecting the land and maritime silk roads. Domestically, we have built a "two verticals and three horizontals" comprehensive transportation system and several "information highways" such as the Cross-Straits Optical Fiber Cable No. 1 and the national-level internet backbone direct connection point.

Fourth, we have built infrastructure. Fujian has planned new infrastructure early on and its new infrastructure index ranks within the top five nationally. The Digital Fujian Cloud Computing Center and Super Computing Center have been completed. 5G base stations cover all areas above county level, including major villages and towns. All cities have met standards for the high-level optical network cities.

Fifth, we have made supportive policies. To support digital economic development, Fujian has gradually rolled out a slew of policies concerning the industrial internet, satellite application, digital silk roads, intelligent manufacturing, and new infrastructure to improve the environment for advancing the digital economy. 

Sixth, we have fostered further potential. Fujian's digital economy has constantly accelerated the pace of development, transformation and upgrading. The provincial digital economy in 2020 reached 2 trillion yuan, an increase of 15%. It accounted for 45% of the provincial GDP. It is estimated that by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2025), the added value of the digital economy will exceed 4 trillion yuan, accounting for nearly 60% of the provincial GDP, a significant increase. It is therefore a crucial engine for the high-quality development of Fujian's economy. 

In the future, we will further advance the development of the digital economy and focus on implementing the following six measures. First, we will achieve breakthroughs in a batch of core technologies such as cutting-edge chips, core electronic components, and basic materials. We plan to build more than 100 high-level digital innovation platforms, with an emphasis on digital transformation of key industries. Second, a batch of digital innovation application scenarios will be generated. We will speed up the applications of AI, blockchain and 5G technologies, promote commercialized demonstrations and applications and build ourselves into the "No. 1 province in digital applications." Third, we will promote a batch of featured digital industries. Digital industry clusters regarding the building of "Smart Ocean," satellite applications, and ultra-high-definition videos will see accelerated development in a bid to advance digital industrialization and the high-quality development of digital industries. Fourth, we will foster a batch of pioneering digital companies. We have implemented a dedicated campaign for the cultivation of digital innovative companies and plan to foster more than 3,000 pioneering companies and digital innovative companies by 2022. Fifth, we will establish a batch of demonstration areas as pacesetters for digital development, launch actions to improve digital economic zones, and establish core areas for opening-up and cooperation in building "digital silk road." Sixth, we will explore a batch of digital innovative mechanisms to ease access to the digital economic market and advance legislative procedures regarding Fujian province's big data regulations. We plan to establish big data companies and effective allocation mechanism for the production factor of data to improve the digital economic environment and inject new momentum into the all-round and high-quality development of Fujian. Thank you. 

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