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SCIO briefing on the 4th Digital China Summit

On March 19, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) held a press conference in Beijing to brief the media about the 4th Digital China Summit.  March 24, 2021

The Poster News APP:

From the "Two Sessions" to the March 15 Consumer Day Gala, issues of data privacy and security have been consistently raised. With the advent of the digital economy era, data has become a new type of production factor and social wealth, and will be continuously shared, analyzed, and utilized. But it also means that personal privacy has become a primary concern in digital societies. In the future, what considerations will be taken to improve data security and privacy protection in the big data environment? Thank you.

Yang Xiaowei:

The CPC and the central government attach great importance to data security, personal information protection, and digital privacy. Over the past few years, we have continued to strengthen data security and personal privacy protections amid the rapid development of big data. We have implemented several important measures:

First, we continued to implement the Cybersecurity Law nationwide. We further strengthened coordination in policies, laws, and supervisions. We are stepping up efforts to formulate a data security law and a personal information protection law to ensure data security and individual privacy protection from a lawful perspective.

Second, we continued to enhance protection capabilities for the nation's critical information infrastructure, strengthened data security early warning and traceability systems, and comprehensively improved the data security protection of key information in key national sectors.

Third, we are stepping up efforts to formulate relevant regulations and criteria to establish systems for the confirmation, opening, circulation, and trading of data resources to further improve data property rights protection in terms of these operating mechanisms. This will provide institutional support for data security and the protection of individual privacy and personal information.

Fourth, we intensified efforts to enforce data security and personal information protection. In recent years, as you have seen and reported, we worked with relevant departments to step up efforts to protect technical patents, data copyright, individual data privacy, and continued rectification.

Fifth, we enhanced the publicity of data security. The Cyberspace Security Publicity Week, approved by the CPC Central Committee to take place every September, have given rise to an understanding throughout society about data security, protection of personal information, and individual privacy, and has safeguarded the vital interests of the people. Thank you.

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