Press Room

SCIO briefing on white paper 'China's Armed Forces: 30 Years of UN Peacekeeping Operations' | September 23, 2020

Hu Kaihong:

The last question, please.

Red Star News:

We have noted that there is a provision entitled "sowing the seeds of hope" encompassed in the chapter on "A Key Force in UNPKOs", which reads so different from the rest of the parts on mission. Would you please tell us what prompted you to say this? Thank you. 

Luo Wei:

As you pointed out, and the rest of you may take note of it, there is a special section named "Sowing the seeds of hope" in the second chapter focusing on the mission concept held by China's peacekeeping troops. We added this part to identify the distinctiveness of our own contribution to the mission. Under the UN's general framework of peacekeeping operations, China's peacekeeping troops have strengthened coordination and cooperation with various international organizations and humanitarian agencies, and have actively facilitated post-conflict reconstruction, livelihood improvement and social development in host nations. We have played an active role in providing humanitarian assistance, and public services in infrastructure construction, medical care, health education, gender equality promotion, environmental awareness promotion, vocational training.

During UN peacekeeping missions, Chinese peacekeeping troops provide public services and "sow the seeds of hope", which was determined by their original aspiration. It embodies the concept that serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of the people's armed forces, and loving and helping the people is their fine tradition. For example, Sudan's Darfur is one of the regions in the world's facing the most severe water shortage, which is a main cause of many armed conflicts. Since arriving in the mission area in 2007, besides fulfilling its commitments to the UN, Chinese peacekeeping troops made every effort to find water and drill wells for local villages to alleviate drinking water difficulties for people and livestock. From 2007 to 2013, the Chinese military has sent seven batches of specialized water supply forces to the region and Chinese military engineers drilled 14 wells, effectively alleviating the problem of water scarcity for the locals. Such efforts have been acclaimed by local people. There are numerous examples like this. Over the past 30 years, Chinese peacekeeping troops have safeguarded peace with their perseverance and sowed the seeds of hope with their love, leaving touching stories one after another in host nations. Thank you.

Pan Qinghua:

I would like to add something. As one of our peacekeepers who sacrificed their lives during their missions once said, the highest value of a soldier is not only winning a war, but also preventing a war, and seeking great harmony for the whole world. Wining a war asks for strength, but wining peace calls for greater strength, as well as goodwill toward the world, love and responsibility. Love can light hope. I think this is why we introduce "Sowing the seeds of hope" in the second chapter. Thank you.

Hu Kaihong:

That's all for today's press conference. Thank you all.

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