Press Room

SCIO briefing on white paper 'China's Armed Forces: 30 Years of UN Peacekeeping Operations' | September 23, 2020

Beijing Daily:

The White Paper points out that "to contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind, China's armed forces have stepped up their support for and participation in the UNPKOs". In the fifth chapter, it is stated that, "to participate in the UNPKOs is integral to China's joint efforts with other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind." How should we interpret these words?

Ren Guoqiang:

In today's world, we have increasingly become a community with a shared future of intertwined interests, shared security and prosperity. Peace has been people's most enduring aspirations. Only by achieving peace is it possible to guarantee progress and development, bring prosperity to all. History, with its periods of peace and war, tells us that peace needs to be fought for and safeguarded, and that comes from cooperation. UN Peacekeeping, as an instrument developed for peace, is an important means to safeguard world peace and security .

China's armed forces are always a key force for safeguarding world peace and building a community with a shared future for mankind. Over the past 30 years, China's armed forces have resolutely delivered on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, faithfully performing their duties, and making a significant contribution to world peace and stability. In the new era, the world is going through profound changes unseen in almost a century, and the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating such changes. China's armed forces actively contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind , resolutely uphold the UN Charter and basic principles of the UNPKOs, firmly support the core role of the UN in peacekeeping operations, and promote sound and sustainable reforms of UN peacekeeping. China's armed forces will remain as a steadfast force safeguarding world peace. Thank you.

The white paper states that China's armed forces have cooperated on peacekeeping with a number of countries and international and regional organizations. The UNPKOs are led by the UN, and Chinese peacekeeping troops are just one of the participants. So, why do we need to exchange and cooperate with other countries? Thank you.

Ren Guoqiang:

As I just mentioned, the UNPKOs are a successful example and product of international military and security cooperation. China's armed forces believe that advancing cooperation in regard to peacekeeping is beneficial to mutual understanding, strengthened bilateral and multilateral relations, as well as sound and sustainable development of the UNPKO mission. Therefore, Chinese peacekeeping troops will continue to uphold the principles of mutual trust and prosperity through win-win cooperation, and further promote international communications and cooperation in regard to peacekeeping. We will: first, continue to strengthen communication with the UN and support reforms of its peacekeeping operations; second, actively boost communication through the exchange of visits, share experiences and practical cooperation with other troop-contributing countries; third, organize joint peacekeeping exercises and training, including table-top and real exercises, so as to enhance the coordination capacity of peacekeeping forces of participating countries.

In a word, China's armed forces will continue to support the UN in upgrading its peacekeeping training level, exchange experiences with other troop-contributing countries, hold peacekeeping training courses on a regular basis, and enhance the peacekeeping capacity of the international community. Thank you.

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