Press Room

SCIO briefing on white paper 'China's Armed Forces: 30 Years of UN Peacekeeping Operations' | September 23, 2020

Hong Kong Economic Herald:

There are opinions that participation of Chinese peacekeeping troops in UN efforts presents a window for the world to gain better understanding of China's armed forces, maybe in many different ways. So, what does the rest of the world see through the window? Thanks. 

Pan Qinghua:

As the world is moving toward multi-polarity, China's armed forces have been taking a more active part in shouldering responsibilities and playing an increasingly important role in international affairs. 

Over the past three decades, China's armed forces have continuously in upholding ideas such as "harmony without uniformity" and "harmony for common development" and committed to spreading the policies and decisions, and achievements and contributions of UN peacekeeping operations. We actively support and work towards creating a good neighborly environment for UN peacekeeping operations. In February, 2019, the Political Work Department of Central Military Commission (CMC) held a themed exhibition at UN headquarters to showcase Chinese armed forces' contributions in safeguarding world peace, which were lauded by UN officials and diplomats. Atul Khare, UN under-secretary-general, said China was a major force supporting peacekeeping operations and promotion multilateralism. Carlos Humberto Loitey, UN military adviser from the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, said China's contribution to peacekeeping operations should be well valued. Without China's support, there would not have been able to achieve the level peacekeeping operations have achieved.

For a long time, China's armed forces have taken part in ceasefire supervision, stabilizing the situation, protecting civilians, providing force protection, supporting various peacekeeping operations. We have demonstrated our willingness to promote international cooperation on peacekeeping operations and worked hard to build a community with a shared future for all humanity. We pass on hope and love, and safeguard peace. Our actions have been highly commended by the UN and people of the host countries. A Kenyan military officer once said that, during difficult times, China's armed forces not only bring security but also kindness. People in Lebanon gave Chinese peacekeeping troops a lovely name "the most admirable friend from the east". A UN official said he was able to discover the most precious virtues of the Chinese nation from the Chinese peacekeeping troops, which are the kindness and ingenuity. He also expressed his appreciation for China's efforts to make our world a better place.

Time will tell. Our actions over the past 30 years have presented to the world that the Chinese military is a force for safeguarding security and respecting for the lives. And through contributions and dedications, we demonstrated to the international community our loyalty and strength and will always preserve our nature, purpose and character as the undefeated forces of the people from a major responsible country. Thanks.

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