Press Room

SCIO briefing on contributions of female workers on the frontline of epidemic control | March 12, 2020

Zhang Chunxiang:

Good afternoon. I am Zhang Chunxiang, a sanitation worker at the Wuhan Development Zone. On January 28, the company notified us that some people were needed to do cleaning work in the west district of the Union Hospital. I thought to myself that someone needed to undertake this job during the epidemic. I am experienced, and have worked in sanitation for more than 10 years. My children are all grown up, so I have no burdens. So I promptly volunteered. The first group of 15 sanitation workers was sent to the west district of the Union Hospital, and I mainly did the cleaning of the inpatient wards on the eighth floor, including disinfecting, mopping the floor and packing up the garbage.  

I did some mental preparation beforehand. But after arriving in the inpatient wards, to be frank, I was still scared. Nurses trained us on how to protect ourselves and doctors checked our protective suits, goggles, masks, gloves and foot straps several times before we were allowed to enter the wards. Experts from Beijing, Heilongjiang Province and other provinces came to support Wuhan to help treat patients. So as a local person, I should be fearless. Wuhan will get better! Thank you. 

Shou Xiaoli:

Zhang is one of the first 16 sanitation workers who entered the ICU to clean. What stimulated them to put aside hesitations and do this hard and dirty work? I think it must have been the sense of mission as sanitation workers and the faith to protect their hometown as Wuhan locals. Thank you, Ms. Zhang. Now, Ms. Yang, please.  

Yang Xue:

Good afternoon. I am Yang Xue, a youth volunteer in Hongshan District. I mainly drive medical workers to and from hospitals. 

My cousin is a nurse at Tongji Hospital. After the buses suspended operation, I drove her to and from work. During that process, I found that many medical workers remained true to their original aspirations and stood at their posts. It made me think that maybe I could do something. After discussions with my friends Yan Guoxian and Hu Chunxia, we decided to set up a volunteer driver pool called the Guardian Angels. Many people signed up when we announced our initiative.  

We started to think that if we want to do volunteer work well, enthusiasm alone was not enough. We must first ensure the safety of the volunteers, and at the same time ensure that volunteer work can be carried out consistently. So we screened volunteers. Meanwhile, I saw the announcement for recruiting young volunteers in Wuhan. I discussed it with the team and decided to join the Hongshan Youth Commando, which makes it easier to manage and dispatch drivers.

With concerted efforts, we now operate 30 vehicles and transport medical workers and supplies every day. We all think it is meaningful to become volunteers and to protect our city together. Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Yang is from the post-90s generation and also a Wuhan local. As part of the post-70s generation, I used to think they were too young and still children. But after the outbreak of the epidemic, Yang and numerous others born in the 1990s and even 2000s seemed to have grown up overnight. Their actions let us see and believe that the younger generation will surely be able to protect our homeland and future. Thank you, Ms. Yang.

Now let 's take questions from reporters. Today, we will do this via video connections. Before asking questions, please tell us the news organizations you work for. Let us begin. 

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