Press Room

SCIO briefing on contributions of female workers on the frontline of epidemic control | March 12, 2020

People's Daily: 

As frontline fighters since the battle against COVID-19 began, what do you want to express most today? Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli:

Everyone may have something to share. 

Zhong Xiaofeng:

We are eager to see the epidemic end soon. I will hold on with my team until the last minute and wish everyone good health. I want to hug my family and kiss my daughter when the epidemic is over. Thank you.

Yuan Yadong: 

During this war without gunpowder smoke, medical workers race against time and fight against the virus to improve the rate of recovery, reduce mortality and prevent patients with slight symptoms from getting worse. Some of them even sacrificed their lives to secure the safety of the many. This spirit of saving lives and love is very remarkable and touching.

I want to say, "Let's fight together, win together so we can beat COVID-19 and return home triumphant as soon as possible." Thank you.

Shou Xiaoli: 

Thank you, Ms. Yuan. Thank you all. Thank you for your hard work. 

Li Shuyong:

This epidemic is a big test for China. The difficulties that the country has suffered have brought out women's patriotic feelings. With the love from families, life is blooming. We are expecting the end of the epidemic when sisters take their masks off and smile like cherry blossoms. I'm looking forward to seeing sisters who are strong but gentle inspire people to be more confident and powerful. Thank you.

Liao Jun: 

I want to have breakfast out. I want my children to go back to school soon. And I'm eager to see Wuhan start running again as before. However, the prevention and control work in the city is still critical and intense, needing a lot of input. Women reporters are working alongside their male peers to cover epidemic control efforts. One of the two team leaders on the frontline and head of the Xinhua News Agency's Hubei Bureau is a woman. I'm just one of the journalists. The battle is moving forward and I will keep working with my colleagues until the epidemic is over. Thank you.

Zhang Chunxiang:

After cleaning the hospital, we continued to clean at the hotel where we were quarantined. Many netizens liked the video the hotel manager posted online. During such a special period, we don't want to bother anybody. I just want to say: Please think more about others, help more and hold on. Wuhan will get better. Thank you.

Yang Xue:

Many other volunteers work harder than I do. They are doing their best working in every corner of the city. They buy and deliver vegetables for community residents, bring patients to quarantine sites or do psychological counseling.

To every volunteer: Please protect yourself and let's work together. I hope more young people will join us and stand with our city for a better future. Hold on, Wuhan. Hold on, the people of Wuhan.

Shou Xiaoli: 

Thank you. The Wuhan accent sounds beautiful. The conference is about to conclude. The epidemic is not over yet and we will not celebrate until a comprehensive victory is confirmed. Our speakers will go straight back to work after this conference. I believe you were touched by these women who are as excellent as their male peers. 

Every single person has become a fighter in this battle and they have done their best to win, not for individual purposes, but for the city and the country's good. At the same time, no one is alone; they are supported by the whole nation.

We believe victory will come if we work together. This is the end for today. Thank you all. Goodbye.

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