Press Room

SCIO briefing on contributions of female workers on the frontline of epidemic control | March 12, 2020

Shou Xiaoli:

Doctor Yuan voluntarily signed up and came to Wuhan to fight on the frontline though she is nearly 60 years old. When one group of people or one place is in trouble, others always come to provide support. Thank you, Doctor Yuan and all medical teams rushing to Hubei to help. Please take care of yourselves. Next please Ms. Li.  

Li Shuyong:

Good afternoon. I am Li Shuyong, chairwoman of the Hubei Provincial Women's Federation. This year marks a special International Women's Day. During the still critical period of epidemic containment, medical and community workers are fighting at the frontline. These two groups have the highest percentage of women workers. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council showed great concern for their condition. This morning, General Secretary Xi Jinping extended his sincere solicitude to everyone and greetings to women of all ethnic groups and from all walks of life in the country.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the All-China Women's Federation promptly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi at the core and immediately issued urgent mobilization orders to women's federations nationwide to assist Hubei. 

In accordance with the requirements of the Hubei provincial epidemic prevention command and the All-China Women's Federation, over 2,600 full-time women's federation officials and more than 300,000 women's federation executive committee members in Hubei are working at the frontline to fight this epidemic. On behalf of the Hubei Provincial Women's Federation, I would like to express sincere gratitude to the All-China Women's Federation, women's federations in other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and all sisters who have shown concern over, helped and donated to Hubei. 

Shou Xiaoli:

Women's federations are designed to represent and uphold women's rights and interests. Li has mobilized local women to fight this epidemic while showing solidarity with female workers coming from other parts of China to assist Hubei. She has not only showed us that women can hold up half the sky, but also helped build the provincial women's federation into a warm shelter for women. Thank you. Now please Ms. Liao, a journalist with the Xinhua News Agency.    

Liao Jun:

Good afternoon. I am Liao Jun, a reporter with the Xinhua News Agency. Since December 30, 2019, I have been working at the frontline. Recently, my colleagues nicknamed me Iron Woman. Actually I think hundreds of reporters working at the frontline of the fight against the epidemic are all Iron Women and Men. We must report this fight against the virus with iron will. 

Like other women, I have multiple identities. I am the only child of my 70-year-old parents; I am the mother of two children and the wife of a military doctor. I am also a reporter with over 20 years of experience and a member of the CPC. I went to university in Wuhan, found a job and settled down in this city. I am familiar with almost every street and alley of this city and feel the same joy and sorrow with other people in this city. All of this reminds me that I must tell the world what this heroic city has experienced.  

Like many other women reporters, I have no time to take care of my family during this period. We actually have no time to even look in the mirror. Our male colleagues say that our faces under the masks are still attractive. Fighting against this epidemic is a war without gunpowder smoke, and I am only one of many ordinary reporters. But we will continue to fulfill our responsibilities and use pens and cameras in hand as weapons to tell the world Chinese stories about the Chinese character and strength during this war. This is our original aspiration and also our mission. 

Shou Xiaoli:

As reporters, they have chosen to stay at their posts and brave the challenge when danger comes. During this war without gunpowder smoke, Liao and her colleagues have conducted interviews on the spot despite risks. I met one reporter friend in Wuhan who told me that it is their mission and responsibility to report on the frontline. Thank you, Liao. Now please Ms. Zhang.  

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