Press Room

SCIO briefing on international cooperation in response to COVID-19 | March 6, 2020

Workers' Daily:

Many foreign political parties supporting China's fight against the epidemic are ideologically different from the Communist Party of China. Their countries also have big differences with China in terms of their social systems. How do the leaders of foreign political parties view the role of China's political system in the epidemic? Thank you.

Guo Yezhou: 

Infectious diseases are a common challenge for all political parties around the world. A virus does not recognize national boundaries and requires different types of political parties in different countries to work together and deal with it. However, in fighting the virus, mobilizing and organizing social forces to prevent and control the epidemic, different systems will show different performances. The outstanding performance of socialism with Chinese characteristics practiced by the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC in the epidemic prevention and control has been followed closely and evaluated positively by foreign political parties. Their concerns can be summed up using three keywords:

The first keyword is "core." Leaders of political parties from many countries have spoken highly of the fact that China has such a strong core of leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, a leader who is able to keep a level head and turn things around in the face of sudden challenges. The chairman of one political party in a European country wrote in a letter to us that "The fact that General Secretary Xi Jinping has been personally commanding the efforts to combat the epidemic has set a new benchmark for world leaders. The decisive and swift professional prevention and control measures China has taken to combat the epidemic have become a model worthy of being followed and respected by the other countries in the world." Political party leaders of a number of countries have synonymously said that with General Secretary Xi Jinping personally in command and leading deployment, the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government and people will fight and surely win the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources and blocking the spread of the virus.

The second keyword is "system". In their phone calls or letters to us, many foreign politicians and leaders of political parties said they had paid close attention to the efforts and achievements of China in building shelter hospitals, improving diagnosis and treatment technology, mobilizing a wide range of social forces for mutual support, and coordinating epidemic control with social and economic development. Amazed by China's abilities of organization, mobilization, and execution, unfolded during its endeavor to concentrate resources to accomplish big things, they believed the advantages of China's whole-nation system were fully displayed. Some of them said that they had been following the live streaming of the building of Huoshenshan Hospital from late January to early February and very much appreciated such program, from which they saw the prominent advantages of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The third keyword is "CPC members". Many foreign party leaders were impressed by the "battle fortress" role of CPC's local organizations and vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Last week, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee received a foreign party leader who expressed appreciation for way CPC members had led the way during the battle against the epidemic. This guest believed such performance embodied the loyalty and obedience shown by local members to the Party leader and the CPC Central Committee, a great source of strength.

"Not angling for compliments, I'd be content to let my integrity fill the universe." Our confidence in the Party and the system is not simply rooted in the praise of others. However, "peaches and plums do not talk; yet a path is formed beneath them," as the old saying goes. The positive responses from foreign party leaders and politicians testify that it is fortunate for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to have a leader like General Secretary Xi Jinping at the helm, and it is absolutely right for the people and history to choose CPC leadership. They also verified that the theory and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics initiated by the CPC suit China's national conditions and are highly efficient, and the CPC Central Committee's major decision to uphold and improve the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity was made at a right time.

Besides, I would like to say a few more words in regard of international aid and cooperation covered in the briefing by the comrade from the Foreign Ministry. Many foreign political parties voiced their political and moral support in their phone calls or letters to us, and there are also many others who had offered specific and concrete aid, donating money and materials and launching various events. Among them, some organized donations within their respective parties; Some made use of their parties' influences and mobilized all kinds of forces such as non-government organizations to support China's battle against the epidemic; Some held a prayer ceremony and organized on-spot donation; and some party leaders who are at very old ages coordinated social donations in person and sent us money and materials such as facial masks and protective suits.

My colleagues have prepared a very long list for me, while I will not try to read out as we don't have enough time here. However, the key is not about how many materials or the size of funds donated, but rather it is that this support is visible and concrete, as well as political and moral. They show people's hearts, and show the confidence of the international community, especially of many foreign political parties in the CPC and Chinese government. They also show that these parties are willing to work together with China to fight against the epidemic. We are deeply grateful for this and keep it in mind all the time. We have also seen outbreak of the epidemic in some countries, and we feel for them. When the political parties and people in these countries fight the epidemic, China will certainly not be absent. We have shared and will continue to share our experience in fighting the epidemic with political parties of relevant countries. We have provided and will provide assistance and support to foreign political parties and their countries. We will fight the epidemic together and take practical actions to demonstrate the concept of a community of shared future for mankind. Thank you.

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