Press Room

SCIO briefing on international cooperation in response to COVID-19 | March 6, 2020

Hu Kaihong:

Thank you, Mr. Ma. I would now like to invite Mr. Guo to make an introduction.

Guo Yezhou:

Thank you. Friends from the media, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, as the core agency directly responsible for the Communist Party of China's foreign affairs, has resolutely implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions as well as the decisions and policies of the CPC Central Committee, given full play to the characteristics of the Party's foreign work and advantages, and taken the initiative to strengthen communication with foreign political parties and organizations. We have comprehensively introduced the strictest, most comprehensive and most thorough measures in epidemic prevention and control by leveraging the capabilities of the whole Party, entire armed forces, and people of all nationalities under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, with one heart and one mind. We have also shared information on our cooperation with the WHO and the international community, promotion of social and economic development, and are providing assistance within our capacity to other countries and regions where the epidemic has spread.

Political parties in many countries have fully affirmed and actively supported China's epidemic prevention and control work. So far, more than 300 political parties and political organizations in 120 countries have sent over 500 letters of condolence to General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee, expressing their support for fighting the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources, and blocking the spread of the virus under the leadership of the CPC.

The support from the political parties and organizations in different countries bears the following three major characteristics: The first is high concern. The leaders of major political parties across Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and Oceania, for example, sent messages or letters to express their sympathy and support immediately after the outbreak of the epidemic, and they have since voiced more support for China. The second is broad representation. The political parties and organizations span the spectrum. They include political parties with different ideologies, whether left, right or center, whether in power or opposition; international organizations of political parties and coalitions of regional political parties are also involved. Multiple political parties of some countries sent joint messages or letters of support to General Secretary Xi Jinping. The third aspect is their diversified forms. Apart from sending messages or letters, the leaders of political parties in some countries have specially made videos seeking to cheer up the Chinese people, or published statements or articles in their domestic media to express their support for the Chinese people in combating the epidemic. 

In their messages and letters to China, various political parties in different countries widely recognized the vital role played by the wise leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping in China's fight against the epidemic. Political leaders in many countries believe General Secretary Xi Jinping's personal decision-making, deployment and command are the most critical factors in guiding all Chinese regions to promptly adopt various measures to effectively prevent the outbreak from spreading and worsening. They spoke highly of General Secretary Xi Jinping's accurate judgment, sound arrangements and strong leadership in China's anti-epidemic battle, saying that Xi's consideration and decisions showcase the fact that he always puts people's safety and health first, the spirit of wholeheartedly serving the people and his strong sense of responsibility towards the rest of the world. They also said that they believe China, under the strong leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, will win the battle against the epidemic at an early date.

In the messages and letters sent to China by the political parties in different countries, it is widely recognized that the strong mobilizing and organizing abilities of the Communist Party of China (CPC) have served as the backbone of the anti-epidemic fight. They believe the CPC has led the Chinese people to take unprecedented containment measures, and conducted efficient and all-round mobilization and organization in such a way that Party committees and governments at all levels are active in their work and all grassroots-level Party members play a pioneering and exemplary role on the frontline. The concerted efforts have formed a strong power to combat the epidemic, fully demonstrating that the CPC is the backbone of the Chinese people, as well as the core of the leadership in various undertakings of China. 

It is also widely recognized that the prominent advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics offer a strong guarantee for victory in the battle against the epidemic. Leaders of the political parties in many countries said that, other than China, it's hard to imagine any other country being able to effectively mobilize all available manpower and resources at home in such a short time. The Chinese strength, Chinese spirit and Chinese efficiency in the country's anti-epidemic fight is highly appreciated by the international community, and showcases the unique advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in "mobilizing resources for major undertakings."

In addition, political parties from many countries have fully affirmed that China won time and gained experience for the world in its fight against the epidemic, which reflected General Secretary Xi Jinping's concerns for the whole world. They also affirmed the prospect for China's social and economic development. Many of them helped to put down rumors and misinformation spread by certain politicians and media. In this way, these objective and fair voices have become the mainstream of international opinion. This demonstrates once again the concept of building a community of a shared future for mankind put forth by General Secretary Xi Jinping has won support among the people. It also showcases the common aspiration that political parties from all the countries help each other and work together to fight the epidemic. At the same time, it also shows that the CPC upholds the principles of mutual respect, mutual learning and seeking common ground while transcending differences to promote to build a new form of party-to-party relations. It is certain that we have won and will have more supporters worldwide.

It is known that most countries are led by political parties, that is to say, political parties are the main body of a country. Political parties are key in making national decisions, represent the will of their people, lead public opinion, and summarize the common benefits of the people. The CPC strives for both the well-being of the Chinese people and the cause of human progress, and takes as its mission to make new and greater contributions to mankind. The CPC's party diplomacy is an important task of the Party, an essential part in the state's overall diplomatic work and an important feature of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

Under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee will maintain its advantages in inter-party relations and introduce to the outside world the achievements made by the Chinese people led by the CPC in fighting the epidemic through our own channels. We will convey the message that China has the confidence to win this battle, and that China's socio-economic development will be stable and grow steadily. We will also help political parties in other countries to continue to play a role in providing political guidance, gather all forces, promote regional and international cooperation in public heath to fight and win this battle against the epidemic and promote the building of a community with shared future for mankind. Thank you.

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