Press Room

SCIO briefing on international cooperation in response to COVID-19 | March 6, 2020


The International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee is the department responsible for the Party's international work, and what jobs has the department done to help fight the epidemic? Thank you.

Guo Yezhou:

Thank you for your question, and for your attention to the work of our department. After the epidemic broke out, the department immediately followed the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee to establish a leading team headed by Song Tao, head of the department, to cope with the epidemic. We earnestly learned and grasped the guiding principles of key speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping. While strictly implementing prevention and control measures, we gave full play to the features and advantages of the international communication with foreign parties, actively introduced vigorous measures taken by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core through Party channels, conveyed the confidence of China in winning the battle against the epidemic, and showed China's attitudes of shouldering responsibilities for the global public health. 

First, we brought into full play the leading role of politics in party exchanges, tried to help foreign parties learn about, understand and support our epidemic prevention and control. We worked hard to keep in close communication with foreign parties through meetings, talks, telephones and letters. A new method we have adopted is running a Wechat official account in English to introduce the important decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core to foreign parties, and how the Party and government make all-out efforts to guarantee the security of people's health, and foster a better understanding of the community of shared future for humanity promoting global public health cooperation and of the measures on the joint prevention and control taken by all departments across China as well as the effectiveness of the measures. At the same time, we have noticed those touching stories from the front line. Those concrete moves we took have helped consolidate the confidence of the international community in China's victory against the epidemic, and their confidence in prospects of China's economic and social development.

Second, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee has been working to communicate the support of party dignitaries from foreign countries to the Chinese people. As required by the CPC Central Committee, the International Department has built connections with mainstream media to write news reports in an objective and timely manner about the recognition and support from these party dignitaries in China's battle against COVID-19. Over 30 such news reports have been produced by mainstream media including Xinwen Lianbo (the China Central Television evening news bulletin), People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency. In addition, we have adapted to the changing ways the public accesses information as well as their habits, by publishing a series of articles and short videos on our website and social media accounts to boost confidence and solidarity amid the epidemic.

Third, the International Department of the CPC Central Committee has been working to promote party-to-party communication and cooperation in a steady manner in accordance with the progress of the COVID-19 prevention and control work. Based on the epidemic situation, the International Department has been carrying out normal exchange activities with political parties from foreign countries, and strengthening information sharing and cooperation with these parties and relevant international organizations regarding epidemic prevention and control, medical care and public health. We will receive senior delegations of foreign political parties in Beijing over the following days. Issues concerning strengthening cooperation amid the epidemic and maintaining normal relations with relevant countries will be discussed to reach consensus. Thank you.

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