Chinese, German science academies pledge to step up basic research

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina signed the Beijing Declaration on Monday, pledging to step up basic research and promote communication among young researchers from the two countries.

XinhuaUpdated: September 10, 2019

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina signed the Beijing Declaration on Monday, pledging to step up basic research and promote communication among young researchers from the two countries.

The CAS and Leopoldina signed the declaration at the opening ceremony of the first CAS-Leopoldina Joint Conference "Science for Future: All Starts with Basic Research."

CAS President Bai Chunli said in a speech that challenges, including but not limited to, climate change, disaster reduction and mitigation, infectious diseases, environmental pollution, poverty and unbalanced development are imposing huge pressure on future sustainable development of human society.

He noted that basic research lies in the core of advancing science and innovation while young talent empowerment provides indefinite inspirations and resources of wisdom.

Leopoldina President Jorg Hacker said that strengthening basic research and promoting scientific advancement is the key to address these challenges.

The Beijing Declaration proposed to deepen the understanding of the importance of science and basic research, to promote collaborative and responsible scientific research and to create an encouraging environment for progress in science.

According to Bai, the CAS will provide further support to outstanding young scientists in policies such as assessment and encourage them to engage in frontier research.

Also on Monday, the CAS and Leopoldina held a forum for young scientists. A total of 36 young scholars shared their latest research achievements and exchanged with top scientists.