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China steps up efforts to control new pollutants


China has announced moves to intensify its battle against new pollutants to improve environmental protection.

XinhuaUpdated:  May 25, 2022

China has announced moves to intensify its battle against new pollutants to improve environmental protection.

Generated in the production or use of hazardous chemicals such as pesticides, these new pollutants include persistent organic pollutants, endocrine disruptors, and antibiotics. Such pollution poses risks to the environment and human health but is not currently effectively treated in the country.

The State Council has recently released an action plan to strengthen the control of new pollutants. It vowed to improve the country's treatment capacity significantly by 2025.

Specifically, China will complete the risk screening of some major chemicals, dynamically release lists of new pollutants under control, and implement control measures, including bans and emission caps. Laws and systems on the risk management of hazardous chemicals will be gradually established and improved.

The official document listed measures in six areas, including system-building, research and monitoring, clean production and green manufacturing, and technological support.