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Space administration reveals photos taken by Mars rover


The China National Space Administration made public on Friday four pictures taken by the Tianwen 1 robotic mission, showing the Zhurong rover on Martian surface and scenes of its landing site.

chinadaily.com.cnUpdated:  June 11, 2021

Pictures taken by the Tianwen 1 robotic mission. [Photo/China National Space Administration]

As of Friday, Zhurong has been working on the Red Planet for 28 Martian days to carry out scientific exploration.

The robot is now hundreds of million kilometers from the Earth. It is the sixth rover on Mars, following five others launched by the United States.

With an expected lifespan of at least 90 Martian days, the 240-kilogram Zhurong is tasked with surveying Mars' landforms, geological structures, soil characteristics, potential locations of water and ice, and atmospheric and environmental traits, as well as magnetic, gravitational and other physical fields.

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