Press Center for 20th CPC National Congress: 4th press conference | October 31, 2022



Our Party adheres to the four principles of independence, equality, mutual respect, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs in handling relations with political parties in other countries, while also proposing to explore the establishment of a new type of political party relationship where the parties can seek common ground while setting aside differences, respectfully learning from each other. My question is, how can our Party handle the relationship between "non-interference in each other's internal affairs" and "learning from each other" in external exchanges? Thank you.

Shen Beili:

"Non-interference in each other's internal affairs" and "learning from each other" share dialectical unity, which reflects our Party's consistent position of respecting the diversity of human political civilization and promoting the progress of human political civilization.

"Non-interference in each other's internal affairs" is the consensus of political parties of various countries and the basic norms of international relations and is the premise for different political parties to maintain their independence. Political parties should treat each other equally and respect each other regardless of their history, size, strength, and whether they are in power. "Non-interference in each other's internal affairs" is also the guarantee for the diversified development of human political civilization. Diversity is the basic feature of the world. To promote building a human community with a shared future is not to replace one system with another nor to replace one civilization with another. Choosing what political system and what development path for each country should be left to the political parties and people of that country to decide.

In the report to the 20th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that China stands firmly against all forms of hegemonism and power politics, the Cold War mentality, interference in other countries' internal affairs, and double standards. The CPC will not point fingers at the internal affairs of political parties in other countries, nor will it seek to export the Chinese model or require other countries and parties to emulate its practice. At the same time, we will never accept those condescending or sanctimonious preaching or copy the political systems of other countries.

Mutual learning has always been an important driving force for the prosperity and development of human political civilization. As a saying goes, "Jade can be polished by stones from other hills." Political parties of all countries need to seek common ground while reserving differences and learn from each other to advance human civilization. The CPC has always highly valued exchanges and dialogues with political parties of other countries and actively learned from and absorbed all the fine achievements of human civilization. In the new era, we have shared our experience in party and state governance with political parties of other countries through multiple channels, deepened development and cooperation in terms of concepts, policy planning, and governance practices, and promoted common progress among different civilizations through activities such as dialogues on exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Going forward, the CPC, together with foreign political parties, will continue to conduct in-depth exchanges on governance, work to strengthen ourselves, enhance our governance capacity, better deliver benefits to the people, and contribute to the development of human civilization from the perspective of political parties. Thank you.

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